Get worker ID in Celery

2019-04-05 22:05发布


I want to use Celery to run jobs on a GPU server with four Tesla cards. I run the Celery worker with a pool of four workers such that each card always runs one job.

My problem is how to instruct the workers to each claim one GPU. Currently I rely on the assumption that the worker processes should all have contiguous process IDs:

device_id = os.getpid() % self.ndevices

However, I this is not guaranteed to always work, i.e. when worker processes get restarted over time. So ideally, I would like to get the ID of each worker directly. Can someone tell me if it is possible to inspect the worker from within a task or can suggest a different solution to distribute the jobs across the GPUs?


If you are using CELERYD_POOL = 'processes', the worker pool is handled by billiard, which does happen to expose its 0-based process index:

from billiard import current_process
from celery import task

def print_info():
    # This will print an int in [0..concurrency[
    print current_process().index

The index is 0-based, and if a worker happens to be restarted it will keep its index.

I couldn't find any documentation regarding the index value though :/

标签: python celery