Note: This is an ORM limitation reported on the project's issue tracker
I'm facing an issue building a DQL query using the arbitrary join syntax introduced in Doctrine 2.3 on an entity class which is the root of a hierarchy.
Given these classes:
A - no inheritance
B1 - abstract, root of a hierarchy, discriminator column is named 'type'
I setup a query builder like this:
$qb->select(' AS idA, AS idB')
->from('\Entity\A', 'a')
->leftJoin('\Entity\B1', 'b', \Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Join::WITH, 'a.something=b.something');
And the SQL Doctrine generates is something like this:
SELECT, FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON (a.something=b.something) WHERE b.type IN ('1', '2', '3')
The problems is that the where makes the left join useless.
Is there a way to force the condition on the discriminator column to be placed in the join? At least that would make it...
Should I fill a bug report?