I'm training an RNN using keras and would like to see how the validation accuracy changes with the data set size. Keras has a list called val_acc
in its history object which gets appended after every epoch with the respective validation set accuracy (link to the post in google group). I want to get the average of val_acc
for the number of epochs run and plot that against the respective data set size.
Question: How can I retrieve the elements in the val_acc
list and perform an operation like numpy.mean(val_acc)
EDIT: As @runDOSrun said, getting the mean of the val_acc
s doesn't make sense. Let me focus on getting the final val_acc
I tried what's been suggested by @nemo but no luck. Here's what I got when I print
model.fit(X_train, y_train, batch_size = 512, nb_epoch = 5, validation_split = 0.05).__dict__
{'model': <keras.models.Sequential object at 0x000000001F752A90>, 'params': {'verbose': 1, 'nb_epoch': 5, 'batch_size': 512, 'metrics': ['loss', 'val_loss'], 'nb_sample': 1710, 'do_validation': True}, 'epoch': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], 'history': {'loss': [0.96936064512408959, 0.66933631673890948, 0.63404161288724303, 0.62268789783555867, 0.60833334699708819], 'val_loss': [0.84040999412536621, 0.75676006078720093, 0.73714292049407959, 0.71032363176345825, 0.71341043710708618]}}
It turns out there's no list as val_acc
in my history dictionary.
Question: How to include val_acc
in to the history
To get accuracy values, you need to request that they are calculated during fit
, because accuracy is not an objective function, but a (common) metric. Sometimes calculating accuracy does not make sense, so it is not enabled by default in Keras. However, it is a built-in metric, and easy to add.
To add the metric, use metrics=['accuracy']
parameter to model.compile
In your example:
history = model.fit(X_train, y_train, batch_size = 512,
nb_epoch = 5, validation_split = 0.05)
You can then access validation accuracy as history.history['val_acc']
Why do you find the average accuracy more important than the final accuracy? Depending on your initial values, your average might be quite misleading. It's easy to come up with different curves that have the same average but different interpretations.
I'd just plot the complete history of train_acc
and val_acc
to decide whether the RNN is performing well within the given setup. And also don't forget to have a sample size N > 1. Random initialization can have a big impact on RNNs, take at least N=10 different initializations for each setup to make sure that the different performance is actually caused by your set size and not by better/worse initializations.
The history object is created during fit()
ting the model. See keras/engine/training.py
for details.
You can access the history using the history
attribute on the model: model.history
After fitting the model you simply average over the attribute.
np.mean([v['val_acc'] for v in model.history])
Note that the pattern is val_<your output name here>
for every output you specify.