When a Python list is known to always contain a single item, is there way to access it other than:
You may ask, 'Why would you want to?'. Curiosity alone. There seems to be an alternative way to do everything in Python.
When a Python list is known to always contain a single item, is there way to access it other than:
You may ask, 'Why would you want to?'. Curiosity alone. There seems to be an alternative way to do everything in Python.
Sequence unpacking:
singleitem, = mylist
# Identical in behavior (byte code produced is the same),
# but arguably more readable since a lone trailing comma could be missed:
[singleitem] = mylist
Explicit use of iterator protocol:
singleitem = next(iter(mylist))
Destructive pop:
singleitem = mylist.pop()
Negative index:
singleitem = mylist[-1]
Set via single iteration for
(because the loop variable remains available with its last value when a loop terminates):
for singleitem in mylist: break
Many others (combining or varying bits of the above, or otherwise relying on implicit iteration), but you get the idea.
I will add that the more_itertools
library has a tool that returns one item from an iterable.
from more_itertools import one
iterable = ["foo"]
# "foo"
In addition, more_itertools.one
raises an error if the iterable is empty or has more than one item.
iterable = []
# ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 1, got 0)
iterable = ["foo", "bar"]
# ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 1)