How do I hide the shadow under react-navigation he

2019-04-05 12:02发布


How do I hide the shadow under react-navigation headers?
They look like this.


Add the following to the navigationOptions header style.

const AppNavigation = StackNavigator(
    'The First Screen!': { screen: FirstScreen },
    navigationOptions: {
      header: {
        style: {
          elevation: 0, // remove shadow on Android
          shadowOpacity: 0, // remove shadow on iOS

The documentation isn't great yet, but you can learn about navigationOptions in the React Navigation Docs.


The following works for me as the original Stylesheet uses "borderBottomWidth" on iOS:

const navigator = StackNavigator(screens, {
  navigationOptions: {
    headerStyle: {
      elevation: 0,
      shadowOpacity: 0,
      borderBottomWidth: 0,


This works for me:

export const AppNavigator = StackNavigator(
      Login: { screen: LoginScreen },
      Main: { screen: MainScreen },
      Profile: { screen: ProfileScreen },
    navigationOptions: {
        headerStyle: {
            elevation: 0,
            shadowOpacity: 0,


export const AppNavigator = StackNavigator(
      Login: { screen: LoginScreen },
      Main: { screen: MainScreen },
      Profile: { screen: ProfileScreen },
    header: {
        style: {
            elevation: 0, //remove shadow on Android
            shadowOpacity: 0, //remove shadow on iOS


Try passing cardStyle: { shadowColor: 'transparent' }

export const AppNavigator = StackNavigator(
  Login: { screen: LoginScreen },
  Main: { screen: MainScreen },
  Profile: { screen: ProfileScreen },
cardStyle: { shadowColor: 'transparent' }

As per this question React Navigation Stack Navigator default shadow styling


You can try this, and it worked for me !

export const SignedOut = StackNavigator({
  SignIn: {
    screen: SignInScreen,
    navigationOptions: {
      title: "SignIn",
      headerStyle: {
        shadowOpacity: 0, // This is for ios
        elevation: 0 // This is for android


I have been trying to solve this problem for the past couple of hours and have finally found the solution. The problem in my case was that the header was in a different Z position than the rest of the other components.


const styles = {
  headerStyle: {
    zIndex: 1


The shadow is achieved via elevation, use:

 headerStyle: {
     backgroundColor: 'white',
     shadowColor: 'transparent',
     elevation: 0,