
Generating HTML output from criterion

2019-04-05 10:42发布


There is a nice example of HTML output from criterion at http://bos.github.com/criterion/.

Which command line option is used to generate this output?

An answer to a related question asserts that this output exits, but it does not seem to show up in the command line options when using --help.


Well if you just want html output, then yourBench -o yourReport.html will generate some perfectly reasonable output. If you want to use your own template, look at the templates/report.tpl example in the distribution and use the -t option.


Sorry I didn't get around to your comment-question.

The answer Jedai gives is right - just use -o. For example, here is a line from one of my Makefiles for running benchmarks using defaultMain from Criterion:

./Bench -g -u Bench.csv -o Bench.html -s $(SAMPLES)

Breaking that down, it says:

-g    run GC between each sample
-u    output CSV data to the given file
-o    output HTML data to the given file
-s    collect this many samples


It seems to me that you just pass the template as a command line option, and then it populates it. If the template happens to be an html template, then you've generated html.

See the source here: https://github.com/bos/criterion