I'm using Mono.Cecil to generate an assembly that contains a derived class that overrides a specific method in an imported base class. The override method is an 'implicit' override. The problem is that I cannot figure out how to designate it as an override.
I'm using the following code to create the override method.
void CreateMethodOverride(TypeDefinition targetType,
TypeDefinition baseClass, string methodName, MethodInfo methodInfo)
// locate the matching base class method, which may
// reside in a different module
MethodDefinition baseMethod = baseClass
.Methods.First(method => method.Name.Equals(methodName));
MethodDefinition newMethod = targetType.Copy(methodInfo);
newMethod.Name = baseMethod.Name;
newMethod.Attributes = baseMethod.Attributes;
newMethod.ImplAttributes = baseMethod.ImplAttributes;
newMethod.SemanticsAttributes = baseMethod.SemanticsAttributes;
It is my understanding that an implicit override must have the same signature as the inherited method. Using the above code, when I view the resulting method in Reflector, the base class and the derived class methods have the exact same signature, namely "public virtual void f(int param)".
I've tried removing the explicit "virtual" attribute, but then the derived method ends up as "public void f(int param)'.
How do I get the derived method to have the correct "public override void f(int param)" signature?
NOTE: I have an extension method ("TypeDefinition.Copy") that clones a MethodInfo and returns a MethodDefinition by importing all of the referenced types, etc.