Rename directory in hdfs

2019-04-05 04:41发布


I need to rename a directory in hdfs. What is the command for that ?

hadoop fs -mv <src> <dest> 

The above command moves the src folder into dest folder. Instead of, I want the src folder to be renamed as dest.


Rename is not in hadoop, but you can move, hadoop fs -mv oldname newname


I think you are missing the point about mv command(linux/hdfs).

When the destination already exists, if it's a file, an error message mv: 'dest': File exists.
In case of directory, the source will go inside it. So the command is working acceptably, just try it with a non-existent dest.

Now to resolve this, you can make use of hadoop's test command along with short circuit OR of linux.

hadoop fs -test -e dest || hadoop fs -mv src dest 

If the directory doesn't exist, invoke mv. You can even go further with the following:

hadoop fs -rmr dest  
hadoop fs -mv src dest  

This one deletes the dest dir first, then performs the move action. if this is not your intention, use the previous solution.


You can rename the folder in HDFS environment by using mv command

hadoop fs -mv 'Old folder name with path' ' new folder name with path'

Example: I have folder in HDFS at location /test/abc and I want to rename it to PQR

hadoop fs -mv '/test/abc' '/test/PQR';
