
C++ override pure virtual method with pure virtual

2019-04-05 00:36发布


Does it ever make sense to override a pure virtual method with another pure virtual method? Are there any functional differences or perhaps code style reasons to prefer one of the following options over the other?

class Interface {
  virtual int method() = 0;

class Abstract : public Interface {
  int method() override = 0;

class Implementation : public Abstract {
  int method() override { return 42; }


class Interface {
  virtual int method() = 0;

class Abstract : public Interface {};

class Implementation : public Abstract {
  int method() override { return 42; }


Both codes produce the same effect: class Abstract is abstract and you can't instantiate it.

There is however a semantic difference between the two forms:

  • The first form reminds clearly that the class Abstract is abstract (just in case it's name would not be self-sepaking enough ;-) ). Not only does it reminds it: it also ensures it by making sure that method is pure virtual.
  • The second form means that the class Abstract inherits everything exactly from Interface. It's abstract if and only if its base class is.

This has consequences on future evolutions of your code. For instance, if one day you change your mind and want interface to have a default implementation for method() :

  • In the first form Absract remains abstract and will not inherit the default implementation of the method.
  • The second form ensures that Abstact would continue to inherit and behave exactly as Interface.

Personnally I find that the second form is more intuitive and ensures better separation of concerns. But I can imagine that there could be some situations were the first form could really make sense.


The pure specification on a method forces an override, but it does not prevent you from providing an implementation of the method. The following is a rare, but sometimes useful technique.

class Interface
   virtual void method() = 0;

class Abstract : public Interface
   virtual void method() = 0;
inline void Abstract::method() 
    do something interesting here;

class Concrete : public Abstract
   virtual void method();

inline void Concrete::method()
    // let Abstract::method() do it's thing first
    now do something else interesting here;

This is sometimes useful if there are several classes derived from Abstract which need some common functionality, but also need to add class specific behavior. [and should be forced to provide that behavior.]