My application needs to behave slightly differently when it loads if there is already an instance running.
I understand how to use a mutex to prevent additional instances loading, but that doesn't quite solve my problem.
For example:
- Instance 1 loads, gets the mutex.
- Instance 2 loads, can't get the mutex, knows there's another instance. So far, so good.
- Instance 1 closes, releases the mutex.
- Instance 3 loads, gets the mutex, doesn't know that Instance 2 is still running.
Any ideas? Thankfully it doesn't need to deal with multiple user accounts or anything like that.
(C#, desktop application)
Edit: To clarify, the application doesn't need to be restricted to a single instance, just perform a slightly different start-up action if there's another instance already running. Multiple instances are fine (and expected).
This will probably do just what you want. It has the nice additional feature of bringing the already running instance forward.
EDIT: updated the code to determine the application title automatically.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
static void Main()
if (!EnsureSingleInstance())
static bool EnsureSingleInstance()
Process currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
var runningProcess = (from process in Process.GetProcesses()
process.Id != currentProcess.Id &&
select process).FirstOrDefault();
if (runningProcess != null)
ShowWindow(runningProcess.MainWindowHandle, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED);
return false;
return true;
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "SetForegroundWindow")]
private static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
private static extern Boolean ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 nCmdShow);
private const int SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED = 3;
Another approach is to detect the running instance as detailed in Scott Hanselman's blog
His example activates the first instance when the second tries.
However, it wouldn't be hard to get the second instance to just stop if that's what you wanted.
Try using a Semaphore instead of a Mutex
Could you simply check GetLastError()
after creating the mutex with CreateMutex()
, then there is another running instance of your application.
According to,
If the mutex is a named mutex and the
object existed before this function
call, the return value is a handle to
the existing object, GetLastError
bInitialOwner is ignored, and the
calling thread is not granted
ownership. However, if the caller has
limited access rights, the function
will fail with ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED and
the caller should use the OpenMutex
EDIT: Just realized this was a C#/.Net question, sorry.
In .Net, use the Mutex constructor that returns the createdNew flag,
public Mutex (
bool initiallyOwned,
string name,
out bool createdNew
a good approach is to use the Sandor solution but use WMI to obtain the processes list, described here: C#: How to get the full path of running process? (Jeff's solution). that way, you can also check if the other running instances match by path and remote terminal session id:
static bool EnsureSingleInstance()
Process currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
var wmiQueryString = "SELECT ProcessId, ExecutablePath, CommandLine FROM Win32_Process";
using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(wmiQueryString))
using (var results = searcher.Get())
var query = from p in Process.GetProcesses()
join mo in results.Cast<ManagementObject>()
on p.Id equals (int)(uint)mo["ProcessId"]
select new
Process = p,
Path = (string)mo["ExecutablePath"],
CommandLine = (string)mo["CommandLine"],
var runningProcess = (from process in query
process.Process.Id != currentProcess.Id &&
StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
process.Path == currentProcess.MainModule.FileName &&
process.Process.SessionId == currentProcess.SessionId
select process).FirstOrDefault();
return runningProcess == null;