I want to generate a random number of type short exactly like there is a function for integer type called Random.nextInt(134116). How can I achieve it?
There is no Random.nextShort()
method, so you could use
short s = (short) Random.nextInt(Short.MAX_VALUE + 1);
The +1 is because the method returns a number up to the number specified (exclusive). See here
This will generate numbers from 0 to Short.MAX_VALUE inclusive (negative numbers were not requested by the OP)
Java shorts are included in the -32 768 → +32 767 interval.
why wouldn't you perform a
Random.nextInt(65536) - 32768
and cast the result into a short variable ?
The most efficient solution which can produce all possible short values is to do either.
short s = (short) random.nextInt(1 << 16); // any short
short s = (short) random.nextInt(1 << 15); // any non-negative short
or even faster
class MyRandom extends Random {
public short nextShort() {
return (short) next(16); // give me just 16 bits.
public short nextNonNegativeShort() {
return (short) next(15); // give me just 15 bits.
short s = myRandom.nextShort();
How about short s = (short) Random.nextInt();
? Note that the resulting distribution might have a bias. The Java Language Specification guarantees that this will not result in an Exception, the int will be truncated to fit in a short.
Actually doing a quick test, the resulting distribution seems to be uniformly distributed too.
Simply generate an int like:
short s = (short)Random.nextInt(Short.MAX_VALUE);
The generated int
will be in the value space of short
, so it can be cast without data loss.