Access database config variables from a helper in

2019-04-04 08:38发布


Is it possible to get the database.php variables values from a helper in Codeigniter?


Here is the way, normally you won't be able to use $this in helper, so you have to use get_instance(). I have given an example of 'hostname' you can use the config name you need.

   function test()
        $CI =& get_instance();
        echo $CI->db->hostname; // give the config name here (hostname).


$ci=& get_instance();
$ci->config->item('item name');

If you want to access the config file for the database when $this->config->load(); is not available, the solution could look like this:

$conn = mysql_connect($db['default']['hostname'], $db['default']['username'], $db['default']['password']);

mysql_select_db($db['default']['database'], $conn);


My easiest fix was

include_once APPPATH . 'config/database.php';
echo json_encode($db); // contains all the database configurations