I was trying to get a cubic root in java using Math.pow(n, 1.0/3)
but because it divides doubles, it doesn't return the exact answer. For example, with 125, this gives 4.9999999999. Is there a work-around for this? I know there is a cubic root function but I'd like to fix this so I can calculate higher roots.
I would not like to round because I want to know whether a number has an integer root by doing something like this: Math.pow(n, 1.0 / 3) % ((int) Math.pow(n, 1.0 / 3))
Since it is not possible to have arbitrary-precision calculus with double
, you have three choices:
- Define a precision for which you decide whether a
value is an integer or not.
- Test whether the rounded value of the
you have is a correct result.
- Do calculus on a
object, which supports arbitrary-precision double values.
Option 1
private static boolean isNthRoot(int value, int n, double precision) {
double a = Math.pow(value, 1.0 / n);
return Math.abs(a - Math.round(a)) < precision; // if a and round(a) are "close enough" then we're good
The problem with this approach is how to define "close enough". This is a subjective question and it depends on your requirements.
Option 2
private static boolean isNthRoot(int value, int n) {
double a = Math.pow(value, 1.0 / n);
return Math.pow(Math.round(a), n) == value;
The advantage of this method is that there is no need to define a precision. However, we need to perform another pow
operation so this will affect performance.
Option 3
There is no built-in method to calculate a double power of a BigDecimal. This question will give you insight on how to do it.
The Math.round function will round to the nearest long value that can be stored to a double. You could compare the 2 results to see if the number has an integer cubic root.
double dres = Math.pow(125, 1.0 / 3.0);
double ires = Math.round(dres);
double diff = Math.abs(dres - ires);
if (diff < Math.ulp(10.0)) {
// has cubic root
If that's inadequate you can try implementing this algorithm and stop early if the result doesn't seem to be an integer.
I'd go for implementing my own function to do this, possibly based on this method.
I wrote this method to compute floor(x^(1/n))
where x
is a non-negative BigInteger
and n
is a positive integer. It was a while ago now so I can't explain why it works, but I'm reasonably confident that when I wrote it I was happy that it's guaranteed to give the correct answer reasonably quickly.
To see if x
is an exact n-th
power you can check if the result raised to the power n
gives you exactly x
back again.
public static BigInteger floorOfNthRoot(BigInteger x, int n) {
int sign = x.signum();
if (n <= 0 || (sign < 0))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (sign == 0)
return BigInteger.ZERO;
if (n == 1)
return x;
BigInteger a;
BigInteger bigN = BigInteger.valueOf(n);
BigInteger bigNMinusOne = BigInteger.valueOf(n - 1);
BigInteger b = BigInteger.ZERO.setBit(1 + x.bitLength() / n);
do {
a = b;
b = a.multiply(bigNMinusOne).add(x.divide(a.pow(n - 1))).divide(bigN);
} while (b.compareTo(a) == -1);
return a;
To use it:
System.out.println(floorOfNthRoot(new BigInteger("125"), 3));
Having read the comments above I now remember that this is the Newton-Raphson method for n-th roots. The Newton-Raphson method has quadratic convergence (which in everyday language means it's fast). You can try it on numbers which have dozens of digits and you should get the answer in a fraction of a second.
You can adapt the method to work with other number types, but double
and BigDecimal
are in my view not suited for this kind of thing.
Well this is a good option to choose in this situation.
You can rely on this-
System.out.println(" ");
System.out.println(" Enter a base and then nth root");
double negodd=-(Math.pow((Math.abs(a)),(1.0/b)));
double poseve=Math.pow(a,(1.0/b));
double posodd=Math.pow(a,(1.0/b));
if(a<0 && b%2==0)
String io="\u03AF";
double negeve=Math.pow((Math.abs(a)),(1.0/b));
System.out.println(" Root is imaginary and value= "+negeve+" "+io);
else if(a<0 && b%2==1)
System.out.println(" Value= "+negodd);
else if(a>0 && b%2==0)
System.out.println(" Value= "+poseve);
else if(a>0 && b%2==1)
System.out.println(" Value= "+posodd);
System.out.println(" ");
System.out.print(" Enter '0' to come back or press any number to continue- ");
System.out.println(" Enter a base and then nth root");
It's a pretty ugly hack, but you could reach a few of them through indenting.
System.out.println(Math.pow(4, 4));
System.out.println(Math.pow(4, 9));
Which will give you every n^3th cube and every n^2th root.
You can use some tricks come from mathematics field, to havemore accuracy.
Like this one x^(1/n) = e^(lnx/n).
Check the implementation here:
Here is the solution without using Java's Math.pow function.
It will give you nearly nth root
public class NthRoot {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in)) {
int testcases = scanner.nextInt();
while (testcases-- > 0) {
int root = scanner.nextInt();
int number = scanner.nextInt();
double rootValue = compute(number, root) * 1000.0 / 1000.0;
System.out.println((int) rootValue);
} catch (Exception e) {
private static double compute(int number, int root) {
double xPre = Math.random() % 10;
double error = 0.0000001;
double delX = 2147483647;
double current = 0.0;
while (delX > error) {
current = ((root - 1.0) * xPre + (double) number / Math.pow(xPre, root - 1)) / (double) root;
delX = Math.abs(current - xPre);
xPre = current;
return current;