This is what I have so far and the shoe types are boots, wellingtons, leather, trainers (in that order)
I want to iterate through and assign the value so I haves something like
var shoeArray = { boots : '3', wellingtons: '0', leather : '1', trainers: '3'};
at the moment I just get an array of {3,0,1,3}
which I can work with but it is not very helpful.
function shoe_types() {
var shoeArray = [];
shoeArray.push ( parseInt($(this).val()) );
return shoeArray;
Check this function
function shoe_types() {
var shoeArray = {}; // note this
shoeArray[$(this).attr('id')] = parseInt($(this).val()) ;
return shoeArray;
PS: Assuming $(this).attr('id')
has all the shoe types
Associative array in javascript is the same as object
var a = {};
a["name"] = 12;
a["description"] = "description parameter";
console.log(a); // Object {name: 12, description: "description parameter"}
var b = [];
b["name"] = 12;
b["description"] = "description parameter";
console.log(b); // [name: 12, description: "description parameter"]
What you want is a function that will return an object {}
function shoe_types(){
var shoeObj = {};
shoeObj[] = this.value;
return shoeObj;
shoe_types(); // [object Object]
You can try this to create an associate array in jquery
var arr = {};
$(this).attr('id'): $(this).val()
This will allow you to send your all data whatever you want to pass in array by ajax.
if $(this).attr('id')
is the type of shoes you can try that
shoeArray[$(this).attr('id')] = parseInt($(this).val());