Highcharts's onReady event?

2019-04-04 04:50发布


Is there any onReady (or similar) ready event for HighCharts?

Currently, HighCharts only offers addSeries, click, load, redraw, and selection for chart object (http://www.highcharts.com/ref/#chart-events). Apparently the load should be the one which fires "on chart ready" event, but it's not. It's firing the event "when data is loaded"

Here is a sample they have for load: http://jsfiddle.net/hgbQm/

Here is a modified version of the above code which shows the chart is not ready when load is fired: http://jsfiddle.net/QzKky/1/

Any idea?

Alternatively, I will need to do a delayed calls but that will be so ugly. Thanks!


Indeed the delayed call is not a very good approach. The load event is working properly, but the current chart is referred by the this keyword, i.e.

// create the chart
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
    chart: {
        renderTo: 'container',
        events: {
            load: function(event) {
                //When is chart ready?
                console.log(this); //this refers to the loaded chart.
    xAxis: {

    series: [{
        animation: false,
        data: [29.9, 71.5, 106.4, 129.2, 144.0, 176.0, 135.6, 148.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4]     


Hope this helps :)


The Highcharts.Chart constructor takes a callback argument that is called "when the chart object is finished loading and rendering". The chart object is passed as an argument to the callback.

$("#the-chart").highcharts(options, function (chart) {
    alert("The chart is ready now");
    console.log("chart", chart);

Chart (Object options, Function callback) This is the constructor for creating a new chart object.


  • options: Object
    The chart options, as documented under the heading "The options object"in the left menu.

  • callback: Function
    A function to execute when the chart object is finished loading and rendering. In most cases the chart is built in one thread, but in Internet Explorer version 8 or lessthe chart is sometimes initiated before the document is ready, and in thesecases the chart object will not be finished directly after callingnew Highcharts.Chart(). As a consequence, code that relies on the newly built Chart object should always run in the callback. Defining a chart.event.load handler is equivalent.


  • Chart


This is definitely less elegant than the accepted answer, but still works fine with a few lines of code. The essence is to simply poll all chart container HTML elements.

The code below assumes you have one or more Highcharts attached to elements having class="chart":

var chartsToLoad = [];

$('.chart').each(function(n,elem) {

    chartsToLoad[n] = window.setInterval(function() {

        if(typeof($(elem).highcharts()) !== 'undefined') {

            // It's loaded now, go ahead...

            // Permanently stop polling

  }, 100); // Check every 100ms
