I am attempting to insert many records using T-SQL's MERGE statement, but my query fails to INSERT when there are duplicate records in the source table. The failure is caused by:
- The target table has a Primary Key based on two columns
- The source table may contain duplicate records that violate the target table's Primary Key constraint ("Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint" is thrown)
I'm looking for a way to change my MERGE statement so that it either ignores duplicate records within the source table and/or will try/catch the INSERT statement to catch exceptions that may occur (i.e. all other INSERT statements will run regardless of the few bad eggs that may occur) - or, maybe, there's a better way to go about this problem?
Here's a query example of what I'm trying to explain. The example below will add 100k records to a temp table and then will attempt to insert those records in the target table -
EDIT In my original post I only included two fields in the example tables which gave way to SO friends to give a DISTINCT solution to avoid duplicates in the MERGE statement. I should have mentioned that in my real-world problem the tables have 15 fields and of those 15, two of the fields are a CLUSTERED PRIMARY KEY. So the DISTINCT keyword doesn't work because I need to SELECT all 15 fields and ignore duplicates based on two of the fields.
I have updated the query below to include one more field, col4. I need to include col4 in the MERGE, but I only need to make sure that ONLY col2 and col3 are unique.
-- Create the source table
col2 datetime NOT NULL,
col3 int NOT NULL,
col4 int
-- Add a bunch of test data to the source table
-- For testing purposes, allow duplicate records to be added to this table
DECLARE @loopCount int = 100000
DECLARE @loopCounter int = 0
DECLARE @randDateOffset int
DECLARE @col2 datetime
DECLARE @col3 int
DECLARE @col4 int
WHILE (@loopCounter) < @loopCount
SET @randDateOffset = RAND() * 100000
SET @col2 = DATEADD(MI,@randDateOffset,GETDATE())
SET @col3 = RAND() * 1000
SET @col4 = RAND() * 10
SET @loopCounter = @loopCounter + 1
-- Insert the source data into the target table
-- How do we make sure we don't attempt to INSERT a duplicate record? Or how can we
-- catch exceptions? Or?
MERGE INTO dbo.tbl1 AS tbl
ON (tbl.col2 = src.col2 AND tbl.col3 = src.col3)
INSERT (col2,col3,col4)
VALUES (src.col2,src.col3,src.col4);