I have recently performed a migration to Google Cloud Platform, and I really like it.
However I can't find a way to monitor the memory usage of the VM intances. As you can see on the attachment, the console provides utilization info about CPU, disk and network, but not about memory.
Without knowing how much memory is being used, how is it possible to understand if there is a need of extra memory?
By installing the Stackdriver agent in GCE VMs additional metrics like memory can be monitored. Stackdriver also offers you alerting and notification features. Nevertheless agent metrics are only available for premium tier accounts.
Well you can use the /proc/meminfo virtual file system to get information on current memory usage. You can create a simple bash script that reads the memory usage information from /proc/meminfo. The script can be run periodically as a cron job service. The script can send an alert email if the memory usage exceeds a given threshold.
See this link: http://www.pakjiddat.pk/articles/all/monitoring-cpu-and-memory-usage-on-linux
The agent metrics page may be useful:
You'll need to install stackdriver. See: https://app.google.stackdriver.com/?project="your project name"
The stackdriver metrics page will provide some guidance. You will need to change the "project name" (e.g. sinuous-dog-133823) to suit your account:
https://app.google.stackdriver.com/metrics-explorer?project=sinuous-dog-133823&timeSelection={"timeRange":"6h"}&xyChart={"dataSets":[{"timeSeriesFilter":{"filter":"metric.type=\"agent.googleapis.com/memory/bytes_used\" resource.type=\"gce_instance\"","perSeriesAligner":"ALIGN_MEAN","crossSeriesReducer":"REDUCE_NONE","secondaryCrossSeriesReducer":"REDUCE_NONE","minAlignmentPeriod":"60s","groupByFields":[],"unitOverride":"By"},"targetAxis":"Y1","plotType":"LINE"}],"options":{"mode":"COLOR"},"constantLines":[],"timeshiftDuration":"0s","y1Axis":{"label":"y1Axis","scale":"LINEAR"}}&isAutoRefresh=true
This REST call will get you the cpu usage. You will need to modify the parameters to suite your project name (e.g. sinuous-dog-133823) and other params to suit needs.
GET /v3/projects/sinuous-cat-233823/timeSeries?filter=metric.type="agent.googleapis.com/memory/bytes_used" resource.type="gce_instance"& aggregation.crossSeriesReducer=REDUCE_NONE& aggregation.alignmentPeriod=+60s& aggregation.perSeriesAligner=ALIGN_MEAN& secondaryAggregation.crossSeriesReducer=REDUCE_NONE& interval.startTime=2019-03-06T20:40:00Z& interval.endTime=2019-03-07T02:51:00Z& $unique=gc673 HTTP/1.1
Host: content-monitoring.googleapis.com
authorization: Bearer <your token>
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Postman-Token: 039cabab-356e-4ee4-99c4-d9f4685a7bb2