how angular ui typeahead trigger when focus

2019-04-03 18:07发布


I'm using angular-ui typeahead. How can I trigger the popup items when focus on the input box, not after typing.


I can attest to the issues associated with expanding the UX of the typeahead. While @ueq's solution works, it has trouble releasing focus/clicking. I suggest changing things, specifically how you trigger the open UX.

suggested changes

  • open on double click - this solves the issue of click-releasing in @ueq's answer
  • check for existing values so as not to overwrite the value - we don't want to accidentally overwrite existing data when we open, so check first then set to a non-valid value to trigger the open.
  • change the name of the directive.... go with something more descriptive - considering that ui.bootstrap has already changed their namespace moving from 13.x to 14.x it just makes sense to go with your own name. Since directives can represent both UI &/or UX, it makes sense to name your directive to something that other developers can later track down more easily.


When working with a typeahead, people have certain expectations of the UX. Clicking into an input and having something popup can be somewhat jarring and misdirecting. A single click or tab-focus into an input traditionally does nothing other than readying the input for keyboard interaction. A double click generally carries the expectation that something more will happen (e.g. double click a file & close from a select dialog vs. single click to select, then click "ok" to close).

In programming we often try to employ the separation of concerns paradigm to our code. But I think this could be applied also to this particular UX and UX in general. Let the single-click & tab-focusing do what they've done for years and utilize the double-click to expand the UX of the typeahead.

plunker -

.directive('typeaheadClickOpen', function($parse, $timeout) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        require: 'ngModel',
        link: function($scope, elem, attrs) {
            triggerFunc = function(evt) {
                var ctrl = elem.controller('ngModel'),
                    prev = ctrl.$modelValue || '';
                if (prev) {
                    $timeout(function() {
                } else {
                    ctrl.$setViewValue(' ');
            elem.bind('dblclick', triggerFunc);


Hi I had the same issue and with this github discussion I was able to figure it out: Setup a directive that calls $setViewValue like

.directive('typeahead', function () {
    return {
        require: 'ngModel',
        link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl) {
            element.bind('click', function () {
                ctrl.$setViewValue(' ' );
            element.bind('blur', function () {

and add it to your input:

<input type="text" [...] typeahead>

Result (I created a plkr:

Hope that helps :)


Use typeahead-min-length="0" if supported by your angular-ui version. Otherwise this will help you out:

directive('typeaheadOpenOnFocus', function ($timeout) {
       return {
        require: 'ngModel',
        link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl) {
            element.bind('click', function () {
                var vv = ctrl.$viewValue;
                ctrl.$setViewValue(vv ? vv+' ': ' ' );
                $timeout(function(){ctrl.$setViewValue(vv ? vv : '');},10)

and add typeahead-open-on-focus as attribute to your input element.

This will open the typeahead onfocus if it already has a value too. And it automatically reverts the viewvalue.