How to change title of a page using angular(angula

2019-04-03 16:33发布


I want to change the title of the page whenever I click or browse the link from the URL bar. How to change that using Angular route? I am using angular version 4 and angular cli.


you have to pass "title" as data to your route

const routes: Routes = [{
  path: 'calendar',
  component: CalendarComponent,
  children: [
    { path: '', redirectTo: 'new', pathMatch: 'full' },
    { path: 'all', component: CalendarListComponent, data: { title: 'My Calendar' } },
    { path: 'new', component: CalendarEventComponent, data: { title: 'New Calendar Entry' } },
    { path: ':id', component: CalendarEventComponent, data: { title: 'Calendar Entry' } }

Then do this imports in your Component:

import { Title } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { Router, NavigationEnd, ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';

import 'rxjs/add/operator/filter';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/mergeMap';

Once imported, we can inject them both:

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: `
      Hello world!
export class AppComponent {
  constructor( private router: Router,
               private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute,
               private titleService: Title) {}

To update a page title statically, we can simply call setTitle like so:

ngOnInit() {
        .filter((event) => event instanceof NavigationEnd)
        .map(() => this.activatedRoute)
        .map((route) => {
            while (route.firstChild) route = route.firstChild;
            return route;
        .filter((route) => route.outlet === 'primary')
        .mergeMap((route) =>
        .subscribe((event) => {
            let title = 'Default Title Here'
            if(event['title']) {
                title = event['title'];


You can to use @angular/platefor-browser to use the setTitle():

import { Title } from '@angular/platform-browser';

  selector: 'your-component',

export class YourComponent implements onInit {
  constructor(private title: Title) {}

 ngOnInit() {
     this.title.setTitle('Title for this component');
