My closest yet.
unfold20([], []).
unfold20([H|T], [[a|H], [b|H]|L]) :-
unfold20(T, L).
member20(X, [X|_]).
member20(X, [_|Tail]) :-
member20(X, Tail).
swap20(R,R) :-
write('swap20 R: '),write(R),nl.
swap20(In,L) :-
write('swap20 In: '),write(In),nl,
write('swap20 L: '),write(L),nl.
word20(W) :-
write('word20 L: '),write(L),nl,
write('word20 W: '),write(W),nl.
?- word20(X).
swap20 R: [[]]
word20 L: [[]]
word20 W: []
X = [] ;
swap20 In: [[]]
swap20 R: [[a],[b]]
swap20 L: [[a],[b]]
word20 L: [[a],[b]]
word20 W: [a]
X = [a] ;
word20 W: [b]
X = [b] ;
swap20 In: [[a],[b]]
swap20 R: [[a,a],[b,a],[a,b],[b,b]]
swap20 L: [[a,a],[b,a],[a,b],[b,b]]
swap20 L: [[a],[b]]
word20 L: [[a],[b]]
word20 W: [a]
X = [a] ;
word20 W: [b]
X = [b] ;
swap20 In: [[a,a],[b,a],[a,b],[b,b]]
swap20 R: [[a,a,a],[b,a,a],[a,b,a],[b,b,a],[a,a,b],[b,a,b],[a,b,b],[b,b,b]]
swap20 L: [[a,a,a],[b,a,a],[a,b,a],[b,b,a],[a,a,b],[b,a,b],[a,b,b],[b,b,b]]
swap20 L: [[a,a],[b,a],[a,b],[b,b]]
swap20 L: [[a],[b]]
word20 L: [[a],[b]]
word20 W: [a]
X = [a] ;
word20 W: [b]
X = [b] ;
swap20 In: [[a,a,a],[b,a,a],[a,b,a],[b,b,a],[a,a,b],[b,a,b],[a,b,b],[b,b,b]]
swap20 R: [[a,a,a,a],[b,a,a,a],[a,b,a,a],[b,b,a,a],[a,a,b,a],[b,a,b,a],[a,b,b,a],[b,b,b,a],[a,a,a,b],[b,a,a,b],[a,b,a,b],[b,b,a,b],[a,a,b,b],[b,a,b,b],[a,b,b,b],[b,b,b,b]]
swap20 L: [[a,a,a,a],[b,a,a,a],[a,b,a,a],[b,b,a,a],[a,a,b,a],[b,a,b,a],[a,b,b,a],[b,b,b,a],[a,a,a,b],[b,a,a,b],[a,b,a,b],[b,b,a,b],[a,a,b,b],[b,a,b,b],[a,b,b,b],[b,b,b,b]]
swap20 L: [[a,a,a],[b,a,a],[a,b,a],[b,b,a],[a,a,b],[b,a,b],[a,b,b],[b,b,b]]
swap20 L: [[a,a],[b,a],[a,b],[b,b]]
swap20 L: [[a],[b]]
word20 L: [[a],[b]]
word20 W: [a]
X = [a]
If you look you will see that there is no use of ;
which I am sure is a problem some people are having. Also all of the rules are simple enough that they should be able to be folded into the requirements by using additional arguments. e.g. unfold(A,B)
would become unfold(A,B,C,D)
or a variation.
The problem with this version is that I get the correct answers as the evaluation progresses, it is just getting them back to the top level.
swap20 L: [[a,a,a],[b,a,a],[a,b,a],[b,b,a],[a,a,b],[b,a,b],[a,b,b],[b,b,b]]
swap20 L: [[a,a],[b,a],[a,b],[b,b]]
swap20 L: [[a],[b]]
I will keep working on this before the dead line, but if someone is able to use what I have here, hats off to them, I just ask that you give credit if any part of this helped you get the answer.
The unfold
predicate is based on this SO answer. Credit to salva
is an old friend. Notice that it starts with [[]]
and not []
I created this predicate. I have swap working for different variation yet the variation fails for a different reason.
Debugger output of mat's answer
I looked at Mat's answer more closely with a debugger because it might hold the answer to a similar problem where I can generate the answers but not return them independently to Top.
Mat's answer copied here for reference.
p([W|_], _, W).
p([W0|Ws], [[a|W0],[b|W0]|Ls], W) :-
p(Ws, Ls, W).
word(W) :-
p([[]|Ls], Ls, W).
The part of interest is far to the right as comments. I would suggest that you copy from here and past into a app that allows you to see all of the line without wrapping or hidden.
The column on the left was created with SWI-Prolog running the query with trace
and the comments on the right were created by running the query with gtrace
and hand copying the values and noting the level for indentation.
?- word(W).
Call: (8) word(_822) ? creep % word(W) :-
Call: (9) p([[]|_1010], _1010, _822) ? creep % p([[]|Ls], Ls, W).
Exit: (9) p([[]|_1010], _1010, []) ? creep % p([W|_], _, W). % W = []
Exit: (8) word([]) ? creep % p([[]|Ls], Ls, W). % W = []
W = [] ;
Redo: (9) p([[]|_1010], _1010, _822) ? creep % p([W0|Ws], [[a|W0],[b|W0]|Ls], W) :- % W0 = [] Ws = [[a],[b]|Ls]
Call: (10) p([[a], [b]|_1028], _1028, _822) ? creep % p(Ws, Ls, W). % W0 = [] Ws = [[a],[b]|Ls]
Exit: (10) p([[a], [b]|_1028], _1028, [a]) ? creep % p([W|_], _, W). % W = [a]
Exit: (9) p([[], [a], [b]|_1028], [[a], [b]|_1028], [a]) ? creep % p(Ws, Ls, W). % W = [a] W0 = [] Ws = [[a],[b]|Ls]
Exit: (8) word([a]) ? creep % p([[]|Ls], Ls, W). % W = [a] Ls = [[a],[b]|_2312]
W = [a] ;
Redo: (10) p([[a], [b]|_1028], _1028, _822) ? creep % p([W0|Ws], [[a|W0],[b|W0]|Ls], W) :- % W0 = [a] Ws = [ [b],[a,a],[b,a]|Ls]
Call: (11) p([[b], [a, a], [b, a]|_1052], _1052, _822) ? creep % p(Ws, Ls, W). % W0 = [a] Ws = [ [b],[a,a],[b,a]|Ls]
Exit: (11) p([[b], [a, a], [b, a]|_1052], _1052, [b]) ? creep % p([W|_], _, W). % W = [b]
Exit: (10) p([[a], [b], [a, a], [b, a]|_1052], [[a, a], [b, a]|_1052], [b]) ? creep % p(Ws, Ls, W). % W = [b] W0 = [a] Ws = [ [b],[a,a],[b,a]|Ls]
Exit: (9) p([[], [a], [b], [a, a], [b, a]|_1052], [[a], [b], [a, a], [b, a]|_1052], [b]) ? creep % p(Ws, Ls, W). % W = [b] W0 = [] Ws = [[a],[b],[a,a],[b,a]|_2324] Ls = [ [a,a],[b,a]|_2324]
Exit: (8) word([b]) ? creep % p([[]|Ls], Ls, W). % W = [b] Ls = [[a],[b],[a,a],[b,a]|_2324]
W = [b] .
Redo: (11) p([[b], [a, a], [b, a]|_1052], _1052, _822) ? creep % p([W0|Ws], [[a|W0],[b|W0]|Ls], W) :- % W0 = [b] Ws = [ [a,a],[b,a],[a,b],[b,b]|Ls]
Call: (12) p([[a, a], [b, a], [a, b], [b, b]|_1076], _1076, _822) ? creep % p(Ws, Ls, W). % W0 = [b] Ws = [ [a,a],[b,a],[a,b],[b,b]|Ls]
Exit: (12) p([[a, a], [b, a], [a, b], [b, b]|_1076], _1076, [a, a]) ? creep % p([W|_], _, W). % W = [a,a]
Exit: (11) p([[b], [a, a], [b, a], [a, b], [b, b]|_1076], [[a, b], [b, b]|_1076], [a, a]) ? creep % p(Ws, Ls, W). % W = [a,a] W0 = [b] Ws = [ [a,a],[b,a],[a,b],[b,b]|Ls]
Exit: (10) p([[a], [b], [a, a], [b, a], [a, b], [b, b]|_1076], [[a, a], [b, a], [a, b], [b, b]|_1076], [a, a]) ? creep % p(Ws, Ls, W). % W = [a,a] W0 = [a] Ws = [ [b],[a,a],[b,a],[a,b],[b,b]|_2348] Ls = [ [a,b],[b,b]|_2348]
Exit: (9) p([[], [a], [b], [a, a], [b, a], [a, b], [b|...]|_1076], [[a], [b], [a, a], [b, a], [a, b], [b, b]|_1076], [a, a]) ? creep % p(Ws, Ls, W). % W = [a,a] W0 = [] Ws = [[a],[b],[a,a],[b,a],[a,b],[b,b]|_2348] Ls = [ [a,a],[b,a],[a,b],[b,b]|_2348]
Exit: (8) word([a, a]) ? creep % p([[]|Ls], Ls, W). % W = [a,a] Ls = [[a],[b],[a,a],[b,a],[a,b],[b,b]|_2348]
W = [a, a] ;
Redo: (12) p([[a, a], [b, a], [a, b], [b, b]|_1076], _1076, _822) ? creep
Call: (13) p([[b, a], [a, b], [b, b], [a, a, a], [b, a, a]|_1100], _1100, _822) ? creep % p([W0|Ws], [[a|W0],[b|W0]|Ls], W) :- % W0 = [a,a] Ws = [ [b,a],[a,b],[b,b],[a,a,a],[b,a,a]|Ls]
Exit: (13) p([[b, a], [a, b], [b, b], [a, a, a], [b, a, a]|_1100], _1100, [b, a]) ? creep % p(Ws, Ls, W). % W0 = [a,a] Ws = [ [b,a],[a,b],[b,b],[a,a,a],[b,a,a]|Ls]
Exit: (12) p([[a, a], [b, a], [a, b], [b, b], [a, a, a], [b, a|...]|_1100], [[a, a, a], [b, a, a]|_1100], [b, a]) ? creep % p([W|_], _, W). % W = [b,a]
Exit: (11) p([[b], [a, a], [b, a], [a, b], [b, b], [a, a|...], [b|...]|_1100], [[a, b], [b, b], [a, a, a], [b, a, a]|_1100], [b, a]) ? creep % p(Ws, Ls, W). % W = [b,a] W0 = [a,a] Ws = [ [b,a],[a,b],[b,b],[a,a,a],[b,a,a]|Ls]
Exit: (10) p([[a], [b], [a, a], [b, a], [a, b], [b, b], [a|...], [...|...]|...], [[a, a], [b, a], [a, b], [b, b], [a, a, a], [b, a|...]|_1100], [b, a]) ? creep % p(Ws, Ls, W). % W = [b,a] W0 = [b] Ws = [ [a,a],[b,a],[a,b],[b,b],[a,a,a],[b,a,a]|_2372] Ls = [ [a,a,a],[b,a,a]|_2372]
Exit: (9) p([[], [a], [b], [a, a], [b, a], [a, b], [b|...], [...|...]|...], [[a], [b], [a, a], [b, a], [a, b], [b, b], [a|...], [...|...]|...], [b, a]) ? creep % p(Ws, Ls, W). % W = [b,a] W0 = [a] Ws = [ [b],[a,a],[b,a],[a,b],[b,b],[a,a,a],[b,a,a]|_2372] Ls = [ [a,b],[b,b],[a,a,a],[b,a,a]|_2372]
Exit: (8) word([b, a]) ? creep % p(Ws, Ls, W). % W = [b,a] W0 = [] Ws = [[a],[b],[a,a],[b,a],[a,b],[b,b],[a,a,a],[b,a,a]|_2372] Ls = [ [a,a],[b,a],[a,b],[b,b],[a,a,a],[b,a,a]|_2372]
W = [b, a] ; % p([[]|Ls], Ls, W). % W = [b,a] Ls = [[a],[b],[a,a],[b,a],[a,b],[b,b],[a,a,a],[b,a,a]|_2372]