
How to call module written with argparse in iPytho

2019-04-03 07:01发布


I am trying to pass BioPython sequences to Ilya Stepanov's implementation of Ukkonen's suffix tree algorithm in iPython's notebook environment. I am stumbling on the argparse component.

I have never had to deal directly with argparse before. How can I use this without rewriting main()?

By the by, this writeup of Ukkonen's algorithm is fantastic.


I've had a similar problem before, but using optparse instead of argparse.

You don't need to change anything in the original script, just assign a new list to sys.argv like so:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from Bio import SeqIO
    path = '/path/to/sequences.txt'
    sequences = [str(record.seq) for record in  SeqIO.parse(path, 'fasta')]
    sys.argv = ['-f'] + sequences


An alternative to use argparse in Ipython notebooks is passing a string to:

args = parser.parse_args() (line 303 from the git repo you referenced.)

Would be something like:

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Searching longest common substring. '
                    'Uses Ukkonen\'s suffix tree algorithm and generalized suffix tree. '
                    'Written by Ilya Stepanov (c) 2013')

        help='String for searching',

        help='Path for input file. First line should contain number of lines to search in'


args = parser.parse_args("AAA --file /path/to/sequences.txt".split())

Edit: It works


I ended up using BioPython to extract the sequences and then editing Ilya Steanov's implementation to remove the argparse methods.

import imp
seqs = []
lcsm = imp.load_source('lcsm', '/path/to/ukkonen.py')
for record in SeqIO.parse('/path/to/sequences.txt', 'fasta'):

For the algorithm, I had main() take one argument, his strings variable, but this sends the algorithm a list of special BioPython Sequence objects, which the re module doesn't like. So I had to extract the sequence string




which seems kind of brittle, but that's all I've got for now.


If you use iPython for testing, transforming argparse into class format can be a quick dummy solution.

class Args:
  data = './data/penn'
  model = 'LSTM'
  emsize = 200
  nhid = 200


Github page repo offers transformation web service.
I hope that it would be helpful for your testing. Jan 9/19 many bugs are fixed.

Transformation script. Python3 is required.

python3 [arg2cls.py] [argparse_script.py]

then copy & paste class format to replace argparse functions.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from collections import OrderedDict
import sys
import re
DBG = False

#add_argument(), set_defaults() only available.
ListStartPatt = re.compile(r'\s*\[.*')
ListStartPatt2 = re.compile(r'\).*\[.*') # list out of function scope.
ListPatt = re.compile(r'(\[.*?\])')
GbgPatt = re.compile(r'(.*?)\)[^\)]+') # for float('inf') cmplx.
GbgPatt2 = re.compile(r'(.*?)\).*') # general gbg, ? for non greedy.
LpRegex = re.compile(r'\({1,}\s{0,}')
RpRegex = re.compile(r'\s{0,}\){1,}')
PrRegex = re.compile(r'\((.*)(\))(?!.*\))') # from \( to last \).
CmRegex = re.compile(r'\s{0,},\s{0,}')
StrRegex = re.compile(r'\'(.*?)\'')

# Argument dict : {arg_name : value}

# process 'default=' value.
def default_value(tval, dtype=''):
  # string pattern.
  regres = StrRegex.match(tval) 
  if regres and not re.search('int|float|long|bool|complex', dtype):
    if DBG:
      print('default_value: str patt found')
    tval = regres.group(0)
    return tval

  # typed pattern.
  CommaSeparated = CmRegex.split(tval)[0]
  if DBG:
    print('comma sepearated value:', CommaSeparated)

  if ListStartPatt.match(CommaSeparated) and not ListStartPatt2.match(CommaSeparated):
    lres = ListPatt.search(tval)
    if lres:
      tval = lres.group(1)
    if DBG:
      print('list patt exist tval: ', tval)
  else :
    tval = CmRegex.split(tval)[0]
    if DBG:
      print('no list format tval: ', tval)

  # if default value is not like - int('inf') , remove characters after ')' garbage chars.
  ires = RpRegex.split(tval)[0]
  if not (re.search('int|float|long|bool|complex', ires) and re.search(r'[a-z]+\(',ires)):
    if DBG:
      print('not int("inf") format. Rp removed tval : ', tval)
    tval = re.split(r'\s{0,}\){1,}',tval)[0]
    gbg = GbgPatt2.search(tval)
    if gbg:
      tval = gbg.group(1)  
      if DBG:
        print('garbage exist & removed. tval : ', tval)

  # int('inf') patt.
    if DBG:
      print('type("inf") value garbaging!')
    gbg = GbgPatt.search(tval)
    if gbg:
      if DBG:
        print('garbage found, extract!')
      tval = gbg.group(1)

  return tval

# Handling add_argument()
def add_argument(arg_line):
  global argDct
  if DBG:
    print('\nin add_argument : **Pre regex: ', arg_line)

  argument name
  # argname = DdRegex.split(arg_line)[1] # Dash or regex for arg name.
  argname = re.search('\'--(.*?)\'', arg_line)
  if not argname:
    argname = re.search('\'-+(.*?)\'', arg_line)

  # dest= keyword handling.
  dest = re.search(r',\s*dest\s*=(.*)', arg_line)
  if dest:
    dval = dest.group(1)
    dval = default_value(dval)
    argname = StrRegex.search(dval)

  # hyphen(-) to underscore(_)
  if argname:
    argname = argname.group(1).replace('-', '_')
  else :
    # naive str argname.
    sres = StrRegex.match(arg_line)
    if sres:
      argname = sres.group(1)
    if not argname:
      return # no argument name 

  check for syntaxes (type=, default=, required=, action=, help=, choices=)
  dtype = ''
  dres = re.search(r',\s*type\s*=\s*(.*)', arg_line)
  if dres:
    dtype = dres.group(1)
    dtype = CmRegex.split(dtype)[0]

  dfult = re.search(r',\s*default\s*=\s*(.*)', arg_line)
  rquird = re.search(r',\s*required\s*=\s*(.*)', arg_line)
  action = re.search(r',\s*action\s*=\s*(.*)', arg_line)
  hlp = re.search(r',\s*help\s*=\s*(.*)', arg_line)
  chice = re.search(r',\s*choices\s*=\s*(.*)', arg_line)

  # help message
  hlp_msg = ''
  if hlp:
    thl = hlp.group(1)
    if DBG:
      print('handling help=')
    hlp_msg = default_value(thl)
    if hlp_msg:
      hlp_msg = 'help='+hlp_msg

  # choice message
  choice_msg = ''
  if chice:
    tch = chice.group(1)
    if DBG:
      print('handling choices=')
    choice_msg = default_value(tch)
    if choice_msg:
      choice_msg = 'choices='+choice_msg+' '

  argument value
  # tval: argument value.
  tval = ''
  # default exist.
  if dfult:
    tval = dfult.group(1)
    tval = default_value(tval, dtype)
    if DBG:
      print('value determined : ', tval)

  # action or required syntaxes exist.
  elif action or rquird:
    if DBG:
      print('in action/required handling')
    msg_str = ''
    if action:
      tval = action.group(1)
      msg_str = 'action'
    elif rquird:
      tval = rquird.group(1)
      msg_str = 'required'

    tval = default_value(tval)
    tval = ' ** ' + msg_str + ' '+tval+'; '+choice_msg+ hlp_msg

  # no default, action, required.
  else : 
    argDct[argname] = ' ** default not found; '+choice_msg+ hlp_msg

  # value found.
  if tval:
    argDct[argname] = tval

# Handling set_defaults()
def set_defaults(arg_line):
  global argDct
  if DBG:
    print('\nin set_defaults arg_line: ', arg_line)

  # arguments to process.
  # arguments of set_default()
  SetPatt = re.compile(r'(.+=.+\)?)')
  sres = SetPatt.match(arg_line)
  if sres:
    tv = sres.group(1)
    if DBG:
      print("setPatt res: ", tv)
    tv = re.sub(r'\s+','', tv)
    if DBG:
      print('\nset_default values: ', tv)

  # one arguemnt regex.
  SetArgPatt = re.compile(r',?([^=]+=)[^=,]+,?')
  # handling multiple set_default() arguments. (may have a bug)
  while True:
    tval =''
    # func closed.
    if re.match(r',*\).*',tv):
    if DBG:
      print('set_default remaining: ', tv)

    nres = SetArgPatt.match(tv)
    if nres:
      tname = nres.group(1)
      if len(tv.split(tname, 1)) > 1:
        tval = tv.split(tname,1)[1]
        tval = default_value(tval)
        tname = tname.rsplit('=',1)[0]

      if DBG:
        print('set_default tnam: ', tname)
        print('set_default tval: ', tval)
      if tname:
        argDct[tname] = tval

      # split with processed argument.
      tv = tv.split(tnv)
      if len(tv) > 1:
        tv = tv[1]
      # no more value to process

    # no arg=value pattern found.

# Remove empty line & Concatenate line-separated syntax.
def preprocess(fname):
  try :
    with open(fname, 'r', encoding='UTF8') as f:
      txt = f.read()
      t = txt.splitlines(True)
      t = list( filter(None, t) )

      # remove empty line
      t = [x for x in t if not re.match(r'\s{0,}\n',x)]
      # concatenate multiple lined arguments.
      # empl : lines to be deleted from t[].
      empl = []
      for i in range(len(t)-1, 0, -1):
        if not re.search('add_argument|set_defaults', t[i]):
          t[i-1] += t[i]
          t[i-1]=re.sub(r'\s{1,}',' ',t[i-1])

      for d in empl:
      for i, line in enumerate(t):
        t[i] = line.replace('\"', '\'').split('parse_args()')[0]
      return t

  except IOError:
    print('IOError : no such file.', fname)

def transform(fname):
  # t : list() contains add_argument|set_defaults lines.
  arg_line_list = preprocess(fname)

  for i, arg_line in enumerate(arg_line_list):
    t = PrRegex.search(arg_line)

    if t:
      t = t.group(1) # t: content of add_argument Parentheses.
    else :
      continue # nothing to parse.

    if re.search(r'add_argument\s*\(', arg_line):
    elif re.search(r'set_defaults\s*\(',arg_line):
    else :
      # Nothing to parse.

  print('\nclass Args:')
  for i in argDct:
    print(' ',i, '=', argDct[i])

def main():
  if len(sys.argv) <2:
    print('Usage : python arg2cls.py [target.py] [target2.py(optional)] ...')

  #handling multiple file input.
  for fname in sys.argv:

if(__name__ == "__main__"):


I face a similar problem in invoking argsparse, the string '-f' was causing this problem. Just removing that from sys.srgv does the trick.

import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
    if '-f' in sys.argv: