Can anyone suggest a book or a tutorial on creating Charts in PHP extracting the data from MySQL Database. It should not involve Flash in any way.
I dont want to use any pre-built charting solutions.
Can anyone suggest a book or a tutorial on creating Charts in PHP extracting the data from MySQL Database. It should not involve Flash in any way.
I dont want to use any pre-built charting solutions.
You will probably want to look at using the GD image library.
Here's a tutorial to get you started: Dynamically Creating Graphs and Charts with PHP and GDChart.
Open Source PHP charting library (Fork of pChart, more OO-Code), looks way nicer than the current market leader jpGraph.
(Disclamer/Plug-notification: I'm the developer of mtChart.)
google visualization
Open Source PHP Charting Library. It also has good examples and excellant documentation.
I can for sure suggest jpGraph ( , a very complete and well tested library with a number of feature that no other can offer. My 2 cents :)
For some simple charts and graphs I can recommend HTML_Graphs. It is a bit old now but easy to implement, uses straight HTML, and doesn't rely on any third party services or libraries.