I have the following code
set x=%date /T %
date 16/12/2012
date 15/12/2012
some stuff goes here
echo set your date
date %x% <--- getting error in that line.
So how can i get the date in the format dd/mm/yy
I have the following code
set x=%date /T %
date 16/12/2012
date 15/12/2012
some stuff goes here
echo set your date
date %x% <--- getting error in that line.
So how can i get the date in the format dd/mm/yy
You can get the date format of dd/mm/yy by using wmic
command. This command allows you to get current date without getting affected by regional settings.
@echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "skip=1 tokens=1-6 delims= " %%a in ('wmic path Win32_LocalTime Get Day^,Hour^,Minute^,Month^,Second^,Year /Format:table') do (
IF NOT "%%~f"=="" (
set /a FormattedDate=10000 * %%f + 100 * %%d + %%a
set FormattedDate=!FormattedDate:~-2,2!/!FormattedDate:~-4,2!/!FormattedDate:~-6,2!
echo %FormattedDate%
You can save it as date.bat
and run this batch file by executing the following in command prompt:
Press any key to continue...
Hope this helps.
Two more ways that do not depend on the time settings (both taken from :How get data/time independent from localization:).And both also get the day of the week and none of them requires admin permissions!:
1.MAKECAB - will work on EVERY windows system (fast but creates a small temp file ) (the foxidrive script):
@echo off
pushd "%temp%"
makecab /D RptFileName=~.rpt /D InfFileName=~.inf /f nul >nul
for /f "tokens=3-7" %%a in ('find /i "makecab"^<~.rpt') do (
set "current-date=%%e-%%b-%%c"
set "current-time=%%d"
set "weekday=%%a"
del ~.*
echo %weekday% %current-date% %current-time%
2. ROBOCOPY - it's not native command for windows xp and win 2003 but can be downloaded from microsoft site .But is built-in in everything from Vista and above:
@echo off
for /f "skip=8 tokens=2,3,4,5,6,7,8 delims=: " %%D in ('robocopy /l * \ \ /ns /nc /ndl /nfl /np /njh /XF * /XD *') do (
set "dow=%%D"
set "month=%%E"
set "day=%%F"
set "HH=%%G"
set "MM=%%H"
set "SS=%%I"
set "year=%%J"
echo Day of the week: %dow%
echo Day of the month : %day%
echo Month : %month%
echo hour : %HH%
echo minutes : %MM%
echo seconds : %SS%
echo year : %year%
And three more ways that uses other windows script languages.They will give you more flexibility e.g. you can get week of the year, time in milliseconds and so on.
3.JSCRIPT/BATCH hybrid (need to be saved as .bat
).Jscript is available on every system form NT and above , as a part of windows script host (though can be disabled through the registry it's a rare case):
@if (@X)==(@Y) @end /* ---Harmless hybrid line that begins a JScript comment
@echo off
cscript //E:JScript //nologo "%~f0"
exit /b 0
function GetCurrentDate() {
// Today date time which will used to set as default date.
var todayDate = new Date();
todayDate = todayDate.getFullYear() + "-" +
("0" + (todayDate.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + "-" +
("0" + todayDate.getDate()).slice(-2) + " " + ("0" + todayDate.getHours()).slice(-2) + ":" +
("0" + todayDate.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
return todayDate;
4.VSCRIPT/BATCH hybrid (Is it possible to embed and execute VBScript within a batch file without using a temporary file?) same case as jscript , but hybridization is not so perfect:
:sub echo(str) :end sub
echo off
'>nul 2>&1|| copy /Y %windir%\System32\doskey.exe %windir%\System32\'.exe >nul
'& echo current date:
'& cscript /nologo /E:vbscript "%~f0"
'& exit /b
'0 = vbGeneralDate - Default. Returns date: mm/dd/yy and time if specified: hh:mm:ss PM/AM.
'1 = vbLongDate - Returns date: weekday, monthname, year
'2 = vbShortDate - Returns date: mm/dd/yy
'3 = vbLongTime - Returns time: hh:mm:ss PM/AM
'4 = vbShortTime - Return time: hh:mm
WScript.echo Replace(FormatDateTime(Date,1),", ","-")
5.POWERSHELL - can be installed on every machine that has .net - download from Microsoft (v1 , v2 , v3 (only for win7 and above)).Installed by default on everything form Win7/Win2008 and above :
C:\>powershell get-date -format "{dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm}"
6.Self-compiled jscript.net/batch (never seen a windows machine without .net so I think this is a pretty portable):
@if (@X)==(@Y) @end /****** silent line that start jscript comment ******
@echo off
::: compile the script ::::
if exist "%~n0.exe" goto :skip_compilation
set "frm=%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\"
:: searching the latest installed .net framework
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%v in ('dir /b /s /a:d /o:-n "%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v*"') do (
if exist "%%v\jsc.exe" (
rem :: the javascript.net compiler
set "jsc=%%~dpsnfxv\jsc.exe"
goto :break_loop
echo jsc.exe not found && exit /b 0
call %jsc% /nologo /out:"%~n0.exe" "%~dpsfnx0"
::: end of compilation ::::
exit /b 0
****** end of jscript comment ******/
import System;
import System.IO;
var dt=DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine(dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"));
7.Logman This cannot get the year and day of the week.It's comparatively slow , also creates a temp file and is based on the time stamps that logman puts on its log files.Will work everything from XP and above.Probably will be never used by anybody - including me - but is one more way...
@echo off
del /q /f %temp%\timestampfile_*
Logman.exe stop ts-CPU 1>nul 2>&1
Logman.exe delete ts-CPU 1>nul 2>&1
Logman.exe create counter ts-CPU -sc 2 -v mmddhhmm -max 250 -c "\Processor(_Total)\%% Processor Time" -o %temp%\timestampfile_ >nul
Logman.exe start ts-CPU 1>nul 2>&1
Logman.exe stop ts-CPU >nul 2>&1
Logman.exe delete ts-CPU >nul 2>&1
for /f "tokens=2 delims=_." %%t in ('dir /b %temp%\timestampfile_*^&del /q/f %temp%\timestampfile_*') do set timestamp=%%t
echo %timestamp%
echo MM: %timestamp:~0,2%
echo dd: %timestamp:~2,2%
echo hh: %timestamp:~4,2%
echo mm: %timestamp:~6,2%
exit /b 0
more information about get-date function.
This is tested on my system and it sets the date to required format. In case of error message of not "not enough required privileges or A required privilege is not held by the client" try running the script as Administrator. This should work fine then.
@echo off
set x=%DATE:~0,2%/%DATE:~3,2%/%DATE:~6,4%
echo %x%
set date=%x%
echo %date%
have you tried SET x=%date:~-10%, i know it works with windows 7.
Your assignment set x=%date /T %
is wrong. The percent signs expand variables, they don't provide command substitution functionality.
Windows already provides an automatic environment variable %DATE%
with the current date (also a variable %TIME%
with the current time), so you can simply do this:
set x=%DATE%
date 16/12/2012
date 15/12/2012
rem stuff
date %x%
Dale's answer helped me a lot. I modified his solution to get the time in format hhmmdd:
@echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Fill variables: %%a=Day %%b=Hour %%c=Minute %%d=Month %%e=Second %%f=Year
for /f "skip=1 tokens=1-6 delims= " %%a in ('wmic path Win32_LocalTime Get Day^,Hour^,Minute^,Month^,Second^,Year /Format:table') do (
IF NOT "%%~f"=="" (
rem Adding leading zeros:
set /a FormattedTime=1000000 + 10000 * %%b + 100 * %%c + %%e
rem reading from the right to left:
set FormattedTime=!FormattedTime:~-6,2!!FormattedTime:~-4,2!!FormattedTime:~-2,2!
echo %FormattedTime%
I know this is an old post, but I've found a way to do it without wmic:
At first, I've found a kind of answer and work with that:
You can try this ! This should work on windows machines.
for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2,3 delims=-" %%I IN (
echo %date%
) do echo "%%I" "%%J" "%%K" https://stackoverflow.com/a/14820126/3735825
Then I worked with this and did this one:
for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=/, " %%I IN (`echo %date%`) do ECHO %%L-%%K-%%J
It deletes the spaces and the separators from the %date% command and let you use any kind of part of the date as a variable; for example if I want to set the date as YYYYMMDD The code should be like this:
for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=/, " %%I IN (`echo %date%`) do ECHO %%L%%K%%J
If do you need the variables alone and you need to use them as you want, then you can play with the following variables:
%%I = Day of Week
%%J = Day
%%K = Month
%%L = Year
I hope it help anyone.
The following code works for me:
set DATE_NOW=!date:~6,4!!date:~0,2!!date:~3,2!
set TIME_NOW=!time:~0,2!!time:~3,2!!time:~6,2!
echo %DATE_NOW%
echo %TIME_NOW%