I am using AngularFire2 in an Angular2 project to do a very basic task, login and then show the logged in users information on the page.
The seemingly simple snag I've hit is that I need to know the users UID to request that data from Firebase (my permissions state can only access key inside "/users" with own UID - pretty standard).
I discovered in order to get the UID I need to subscribe to the af.auth observable and then inside there request the user data using af.auth.uid - which I've done successfully.
I've also noted that af.database.object creates another observable, which I can in theory access by piping with Asyc in my HTML. Issue is I can't seem to be able to get reference to the user's data obtained in the auth.subscribe, anywhere else in my App (specifically in the HTML).
I can console.log the subscribe of the user, which confirms I am getting the data.
Please correct my understanding or teach me how I can access this data, I am very very new to the concepts of Typescript and Observables.
Javascript Angular 2 Component
export class AppComponent {
title = 'Webroot';
user: FirebaseObjectObservable<any>;
constructor(public af: AngularFire) {
if(auth != null){
this.user = af.database.object("users/"+auth.uid)
this.user.subscribe(user => console.log(user));
console.log("Auth is Null!")
<div> {{ (user | async | json) }} </div>