First, excuse my english :)
I've read on apple developer website that video playback provides by the framework supports only full screen mode.
I will need to develop an application where video can be played in reduce screen mode. I've see that Orange TV make something which looks like what i need to do.
The application is available on app store but you need to have a subscription to test this application. Whatever, to resume it, we can see video (tv stream video) in a reduce mode and if we click on the screen it switch to a full screen mode.
So my question, what i want to do is possible (Orange TV made it) but i wonder the difficulty to make it. It seems that I have to make a video player. If it take a bunch of time, I tkink I will use Media Player Framework of iPhone even isn't the optimal solution for me.
Feel free to ask me more details ;)
Thank you for your answers.