I have written a sample application to fetch data from service in json format and bind it to the chart on UI.
The problem is when ever I try to bind the data, it doesn't. I tried in many ways to bind data but was unsuccessfull.
Functionality is as follows: Page 1: contains 2 dropdowns. 1 with Chart Type & 2nd with Sample Type. On selection of both dropdown values, I click on a button which triggers a function fetchData() in GlobalService.
Below is getter & setter in GlobalService
getChartData() {
return this.chartData;
setChartData(response: any) {
this.chartData = response.data;
// console.log(this.chartData);
getChartlabel() {
return this.chartLabel;
setChartLabel(response: any) {
this.chartLabel = response.label.label;
// console.log(this.chartLabel);
getResponse() {
return this.response;
setResponse(response: any) {
this.response = response;
// console.log(response);
and function goes like this
fetchData(chart: any, sample: any) {
const request = {
chartType: this.selectedChart, // 'BAR | LINE'
sampleType: this.selectedSample // 'COUNT'
this.http.post('http://localhost:22222/school/getData', request, this.options)
res => {
res = res.json();
const responseData = res;
if (responseData.hasOwnProperty('data')) {
console.log('Data Fetched');
this.setResponse(responseData); // Setting response
this.setChartData(responseData); // setting data
this.setChartLabel(responseData); // setting label
this.router.navigate(['/gotoChartPage']); // navigating to next page chart.html
} else {
alert('Data Fetch Failed');
Now my chart.html looks like this as mentioned in here
<div id='barDiv' class="onerow" *ngIf="1">
<h4 class="m-2">Bar Chart</h4>
<div style="display: block">
<canvas baseChart width="800" height="500"
[datasets]="barChartData" // --> This is where i want to update Data
[labels]="barChartLabels" // --> This is where i want to update Labels
Then my Chart.component is as follows
/*******************BAR CHART*********************************/
public barChartOptions: any = {
scaleShowVerticalLines: false,
responsive: true
public barChartLabels: Array<any> = []; // ["STD 1", "STD 2", "STD 3", "STD 4", "STD 5", "STD 6", "STD 7", "STD 8", "STD 9", "STD 10"]; Sample Data
public barChartType = 'bar';
public barChartLegend = true;
public barChartData: any[] = []; // [ {'data': [40, 32, 42, 23, 43, 35, 50, 48, 37, 45], label: 'COUNT'}]; -- Sample Data
constructor(private global: GlobalService) {
this.barChartData = this.global.chartData;
this.barChartLabels = this.global.chartLabel;
My response from json comes in this format:
For Single dataSets:
{"data": [40,32,42,23,43,35,50,48,37,45], "label":"COUNT"},
{"label":["STD 1","STD 2","STD 3","STD 4","STD 5","STD 6","STD 7","STD 8","STD 9","STD 10"]}
For multiple dataSets:
{"data": [40,32,42,23,43,35,50,48,37,45], "label":"MVM"},
{"data": [04,03,02,03,03,05,50,80,07,45], "label":"HVD"},
{"data": [20,32,42,23,43,60,50,48,70,40], "label":"BMS"},
{"label":["STD 1","STD 2","STD 3","STD 4","STD 5","STD 6","STD 7","STD 8","STD 9","STD 10"]}
When I try to assign in this way, the chart doesn't come up. But if I hardcode the values in the barChartLabels & barChartData the Charts displays.
I also tried in this way
`<canvas baseChart width="800" height="500"
[datasets]="global.chartData" // --> This is where I need to update Data
[labels]="global.chartLabel" // --> This is where I need to update Labels
Help is appreciated. I am stuck with this from more than my brain can think of.
I came across this example on stack : CLICK & CLICK But, its not the correct way to do.
I am wondering why the data doesn't get bind to the charts like this directly
[datasets]="global.chartData" // --> This is where I need to update Data