I am setting up my apple-app-site-association file follow this tutorial: Handoff works on iOS 8 but handoff does not work on iOS 9. I setup a free hosting site and upload the apple-app-site-association file onto the root of website: universallink.net46.net 1. I created a JSON file and named it handoff.json:
"apps": ["XXXXXXXXXX.com.home.handoff"]
The XXXXXXXXXX here is the team id of the Distribution provisioning profile
- I used Keychain Access app to export a iPhone Distribution certificate to a Certificates.p12 key.
- I signed the JSON file with these commands:
Create a certificate in the openssl command.
openssl pkcs12 -in Certificates.p12 -clcerts -nokeys -out output_crt.pem
Create a secret key.
openssl pkcs12 -in Certificates.p12 -nocerts -nodes -out output_key.pem
Create an intermediate certificate.
openssl pkcs12 -in Certificates.p12 -cacerts -nokeys -out sample.ca-bundle
Sign the handoff.json file with the following command.
cat handoff.json | openssl smime -sign -inkey output_key.pem -signer output_crt.pem -certfile sample.ca-bundle -noattr -nodetach -outform DER> apple-app-site-association
- I uploaded the signed file "apple-app-site-association" onto the root of website universallink
- I configured the entitlement:
<dict> <key>com.apple.developer.associated-domains</key> <array> <string>activitycontinuation:www.universallink.net46.net</string> <string>activitycontinuation:universallink.net46.net</string> <string>applinks:www.universallink.net46.net</string> <string>applinks:universallink.net46.net</string> </array> </dict>
- I implement the function application:continueActivity.... and return YES.
- I installed the app on the iOS 9 beta 4 device and also installed the Certificates.p12 at step 3 into the device.
- I sent a message to myself the link of universallink website
- I expected my app would be launched but actually, it was Safari.
I don't know if I did something wrong.