T4 -> C# class to Knockout View Model in Typescrip

2019-04-02 17:28发布


I'm looking for some sort of T4 or similar way to take C# classes and generate both the interfaces for the data that will come across the wire AND the view models in a strongly typed fashion.

I found typelite which works well for interfaces, but I'm looking for something that will handle the viewmodels too (or in addition to)

I found this project that seems excellent: Code Project View Models to JS

But of course it generates javascript and it looks non-trivial to hack in typing including things like enums, and inheritence etc. and make it work with typescript

Does anyone know of a project to do this?

If not, any tips on how to build this? I'm no T4 expert and it looks fairly impenitrible even with tools to make T4 editing less bad in Visual Studio.



I did this T4 to make my DTO contracts available from javascript, maybe it can help you

<#@ template debug="true" hostSpecific="true" #>
<#@ output extension=".js" #>
<#@ Assembly Name="System.Core" #>
<#@ Assembly Name="System.Windows.Forms" #>
<#@ import namespace="System" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.IO" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Diagnostics" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Linq" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Collections" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Collections.Generic" #>
<#@ import namespace="EnvDTE" #>
<#@ include file="..\T4\Automation.ttinclude"#><#
var project = VisualStudioHelper.GetProject("MyApp.Core.Contracts");      
var contracts = GetSubClasses("MyApp.Core.Contracts.Commands.Command", project)
    .Concat(GetSubClasses("MyApp.Core.Contracts.Queries.Query", project));

#>(function(MyApp) {
    function buildContract(contract) {
        return { type: contract.constructor.type, data: ko.toJSON(contract) };
    var url = "api/commandQuery";
    MyApp.cqrs = {
        sendQuery: function(query, callback) {
            $.getJSON(url, buildContract(query), callback);
        sendCommand: function(command) {
            MyApp.utils.post(url, buildContract(command));

foreach(var contract in contracts) {
    foreach(var part in BuildNameSpace(contract)) {
        #><#= part #>

    var properties = GetProperties(contract).Select(p => CamelCased(p.Name)).ToList();
    var args = string.Join(", ", properties);


    window.<#= contract.FullName #> = function(<#= args #>) {<#
    foreach(var property in properties) {#>

        this.<#= property #> = <#= property #>;<#

    window.<#= contract.FullName #>.type = "<#= contract.FullName #>";
})(window.MyApp = window.MyApp || {});

private static IEnumerable<string> BuildNameSpace(CodeClass @class)
    return BuildNameSpace(@class.Namespace.Name.Split('.'), "window", new List<string>());

private static IEnumerable<string> BuildNameSpace(IEnumerable<string> @namespace, string parent, List<string> parts)
    var part = @namespace.FirstOrDefault();
    if (part == null) return parts;

    var current = string.Format("{0}.{1}", parent, part);
    parts.Add(string.Format("{0} = ({0} || {{}});", current));
    return BuildNameSpace(@namespace.Skip(1), current, parts);

public IEnumerable<CodeClass> GetSubClasses(string baseClass, Project project)
    return VisualStudioHelper       
        .GetAllCodeElementsOfType(project.CodeModel.CodeElements, EnvDTE.vsCMElement.vsCMElementClass, false)
        .Where(c => GetInheritance(c).Any(b => b.FullName == baseClass) && !c.IsAbstract)

public IEnumerable<CodeClass> GetInheritance(CodeClass @class) 
    return GetInheritance(@class, new List<CodeClass>());

public IEnumerable<CodeClass> GetInheritance(CodeClass @class, List<CodeClass> collection) 
    foreach(CodeClass @base in @class.Bases) 
        GetInheritance(@base, collection);

    return collection;

public string CamelCased(string pascalCased) {
    return pascalCased.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + pascalCased.Substring(1);

public IEnumerable<CodeProperty> GetProperties(CodeClass @class)
    if (@class == null) 
        return new List<CodeProperty>();

    var baseProperties = GetProperties(@class.Bases.Cast<CodeClass>().FirstOrDefault());

    return baseProperties.Concat(@class
        .Where(ce => ce.Kind == vsCMElement.vsCMElementProperty)
        .Where(p => p.Access == vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessPublic));

It outputs a js looking like this

(function(MyApp) {
    function buildContract(contract) {
        return { type: contract.constructor.type, data: ko.toJSON(contract) };
    var url = "api/commandQuery";
    MyApp.cqrs = {
        sendQuery: function(query, callback) {
            $.getJSON(url, buildContract(query), callback);
        sendCommand: function(command) {
            MyApp.utils.post(url, buildContract(command));

    window.MyApp = (window.MyApp || {});
    window.MyApp.Core = (window.MyApp.Core || {});
    window.MyApp.Core.Contracts = (window.MyApp.Core.Contracts || {});
    window.MyApp.Core.Contracts.Commands = (window.MyApp.Core.Contracts.Commands || {});

    window.MyApp.Core.Contracts.Commands.FooCommand = function(bar) {
        this.bar = bar;
    window.MyApp.Core.Contracts.Commands.FooCommand.type = "MyApp.Core.Contracts.Commands.FooCommand";
})(window.MyApp = window.MyApp || {});

Note that it has a dependency to a Tangible T4 Editor template

<#@ include file="..\T4\Automation.ttinclude"#>