I am trying to read a pdf through url. I followed many stackoverflow suggestions and used PyPdf2 FileReader to extract text from the pdf. My code looks like this :
url = "http://kat.kar.nic.in:8080/uploadedFiles/C_13052015_ch1_l1.pdf"
#url = "http://kat.kar.nic.in:8080/uploadedFiles/C_06052015_ch1_l1.pdf"
f = urlopen(Request(url)).read()
fileInput = StringIO(f)
pdf = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(fileInput)
print pdf.getNumPages()
print pdf.getDocumentInfo()
print pdf.getPage(1).extractText()
I am able to successfully extract text for first link. But if I use the same program for the second pdf. I do not get any text. The page numbers and document info seem to show up.
I tried extracting text from Pdfminer through terminal and was able to extract text from the second pdf.
Any idea what is wrong with the pdf or is there a drawback with the libraries I am using ?