I am working on some code testing, and I stumbled on a problem I can't find or fix. My problem is:
If a user accidentally closes the cmd window, I'd like to execute a batch code before it actually closes. For example:
I run script A.bat . When a user wants to exit, I want it to delete my B.bat and then close the window.
This is how the code may look like:
echo Welcome to A.bat
del B.bat (when user exits the window)
I couldn't find it on google and forums, so I thought maybe you guys could help me out. Thanks in advance, Niels
This works for me:
if "%1" equ "Restarted" goto %1
start "" /WAIT /B "%~F0" Restarted
del B.bat
goto :EOF
echo Welcome to A.bat
echo Press any key to end this program and delete B.bat file
echo (or just close this window via exit button)
EDIT: Some explanations added
The start
command restart the same Batch file in a new cmd.exe session; the /B switch open it in the same window and the /WAIT switch makes the original file to wait until the new one ends. The new Batch file must end with exit
in order to kill the new cmd.exe session (because it was started with the /K switch). No matters if the new cmd.exe session ends normally because the exit
command or because it was cancelled with the red X; in any case the control returns after the line that started it in the original execution.
I've had to do something similar to what you're describing. I'm not sure whether this is the simplest or most efficient way to accomplish what you ask, but it does indeed work nevertheless.
@echo off
rem // create lock file to inform forked helper thread when this thread completes
rem // credit to dbenham: http://stackoverflow.com/a/27756667/1683264
set "lockFile=%temp%\%~nx0_%time::=.%.lock"
9>&2 2>NUL (2>&9 8>"%lockFile%" call :main %*) || goto :lockFile
del "%lockFile%"
exit /b
call :cleanup_watcher "B.bat"
rem // put your main script here
goto :EOF
:cleanup_watcher <file> (<file> <file> etc.)
rem // Write external script to delete filename arguments
rem // (so if main script exits via ^C, temp files are still removed)
>"%temp%\tmp.bat" (
echo @echo off
echo setlocal
echo :begin
echo ping -n 1 -w 500 ^>NUL
echo del /q "%temp%\%~nx0*.lock" ^>NUL 2^>NUL
rem // If lockfile can't be deleted, the main script is still running.
echo if exist "%temp%\%~nx0*.lock" goto :begin
echo del /q "%temp%\tmp.bat" %* ^&^& exit
rem // fork cleanup watcher invisibly to catch ^C
>"%lockfile%.vbs" echo CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "%temp%\tmp.bat", 0, False
wscript "%lockfile%.vbs"
del "%lockfile%.vbs"