What approach would allow me to get the most on reporting lexing errors?
For a simple example I would like to write a grammar for the following text
(white space is ignored and string constants cannot have a \" in them for simplicity):
myvariable = 2
myvariable = "hello world"
Group myvariablegroup {
myvariable = 3
anothervariable = 4
Catching errors with a lexer
How can you maximize the error reporting potential of a lexer?
After reading this post: Where should I draw the line between lexer and parser?
I understood that the lexer should match as much as it can with regards to the parser grammar but what about lexical error reporting strategies?
What are the ordinary strategies for catching lexing errors?
I am imagining a grammar which would have the following "error" tokens:
GROUP_OPEN: 'Group' WS ID WS '{';
EMPTY_GROUP: 'Group' WS ID WS '{' WS '}';
EQUALS: '=';
GROUP_ERROR: 'Group' .; // the . character is an invalid token
// you probably meant '{'
GROUP_ERROR2: .'roup' ; // Did you mean 'group'?
STRING_CONSTANT_ERROR: '"' .+; // Unterminated string constant
ID: [a-z][a-z0-9]+;
WS: [ \n\r\t]* -> skip();
There are clearly some problems with your approach:
You are skipping WS
(which is good), but yet you're using it in your other rules. But you're in the lexer, which leads us to...
Your groups are being recognized by the lexer. I don't think you want them to become a single token. Your groups belong in the parser.
Your grammar, as written, will create specific token types for things ending in roup
, so croup
for instance may never match an ID
. That's not good.
is much too broad. It's able to glob the entire input. See my UNTERMINATED_STRING
I'm not quite sure what happens with SINGLE_TOKEN_ERRORS
... See below for an alternative.
Now, here are some examples of error tokens I use, and this works very well for error reporting:
: '"' ('\\' ["\\] | ~["\\\r\n])*
: '/*' ('*' ~'/' | ~'*')*? EOF -> channel(HIDDEN)
// This should be the LAST lexer rule in your grammar
: .
Note that these unterminated tokens represent single atomic values, they don't span logical structures.
will be a single char no matter what, if you define it as .+?
it will always match exactly one char anyway, since it will be trying to match as few chars as possible, and that minimum is one char.
Non-greedy quantifiers make sense when something follows them. For instance in the expression .+? '#'
, the .+?
will be forced to consume characters until it encounters a #
sign. If the .+?
expression is alone, it won't have to consume more than a single character to match, and therefore will be equivalent to .
I use the following code in the lexer (.NET ANTLR):
partial class MyLexer
public override IToken Emit()
CommonToken token;
RecognitionException ex;
switch (Type)
Type = STRING;
token = (CommonToken)base.Emit();
ex = new UnterminatedTokenException(this, (ICharStream)InputStream, token);
ErrorListenerDispatch.SyntaxError(this, UNTERMINATED_STRING, Line, Column, "Unterminated string: " + GetTokenTextForDisplay(token), ex);
return token;
token = (CommonToken)base.Emit();
ex = new UnterminatedTokenException(this, (ICharStream)InputStream, token);
ErrorListenerDispatch.SyntaxError(this, UNTERMINATED_COMMENT_INLINE, Line, Column, "Unterminated comment: " + GetTokenTextForDisplay(token), ex);
return token;
return base.Emit();
// ...
Notice that when the lexer encounters a bad token type, it explicitly changes it it to a valid token, so the parser can actually make sense of it.
Now, it is the job of the parser to identify bad structure. ANTLR is smart enough to perform single-token deletion and single-token insertion while trying to resynchronize itself with an invalid input. This is also the reason why I'm letting UNKNOWN_CHAR
slip though to the parser, so it can discard it with an error message.
Just take the errors it generates and alter them in order to present something nicer to the user.
So, just make your groups into a parser rule.
An example:
Consider the following input:
Group ,ygroup {
Here, the ,
is clearly a typo (user pressed ,
instead of m
If you use UNKNOWN_CHAR: .;
you will get the following tokens:
of type GROUP
of type ID
of type '{ '
The parser will be able to figure out the UNKNOWN_CHAR
token needs to be deleted and will correctly match a group (defined as GROUP
ANTLR will insert so-called error nodes at the points where it finds unexpected tokens (in this case between GROUP
and ID
). These nodes are then ignored for the purposes of parsing, but you can retrieve them with your visitors/listeners to handle them (you can use a visitor's VisitErrorNode
method for instance).