I have an XSL file and an XSD file on my local disk.
The XSL file is supposed to transform the XSD file to OWL format.
What freeware tool can I use apply this transformation? Thanks.
I have an XSL file and an XSD file on my local disk.
The XSL file is supposed to transform the XSD file to OWL format.
What freeware tool can I use apply this transformation? Thanks.
The XSL file is supposed to transform the XSD file to OWL format.
What freeware tool can I use apply this transformation?
You can use any existing free XSLT processor, but it should implement the version of XSLT as specified of the version
attribute of the <xsl:stylesheet>
(top) element of the stylesheet module.
Here is a rather incomplete list of such XSLT processors:
XSLT 1.0 processors:
MSXML 3/4/6.
Saxon 6.5.5
XML-Spy (AltovaXML).
.NET XslTransform.
.NET XslCompiledTransform.
Xalan/C or Xalan/J.
XSLT 2.0 processors
Saxon 9.x.
XQSharp (Beta).
IBM WebSphere XML Pack (not free).
Intel® SOA Expressway XSLT 2.0 Processor (not free).
MS Visual Stusio (2010 or 2008) -- works only with XslCompiledTransform
oXygen -- works with all mentioned XSLT processors
XSelerator -- works with all mentioned XSLT processors
Kernow: simple, Java-based IDE for Saxon.
Kernow is a good free tool for applying XSLT transformations. It's java-based.
Take a look at Saxon http://saxon.sourceforge.net/
Not that XSLT 1.0 and XSLT 2.0 are two different transformation languages. You should check the namespace used in the XSL file to find out if you need an XSLT 1.0 or XSLT 2.0 processor (the most probable answer is '1.0').
Your web browser already has an XSLT 1.0 processor, though it may not be convenient to use it. You have to modify the input document (XSD in your case) to add the following line at the top (where xsd2owl.xsl
is the path to your XSLT). Then, you just have to open the file with the browser.
<?xml-stylesheet href="xsd2owl.xsl" type="text/xsl" ?>
Also, xsltproc is the Libxslt-based command-line tool that does XSLT 1.0 tranformation and has some EXSLT extensions. You'll find it packaged for every Linux distribution. Follow this link for Windows downloads.
Quick start with XSLT 1.0 on:
Download MSXSL. A small (24KB) command line utility that makes use of a library you already have on your system (msxml). Run msxsl.exe
apt-get xsltproc