Is there a way I can get a list of all open applications and a list of all open files? For the files I only need the files that I opened (documents etc) not OS's open system files. The same for the applications (only browsers, document processors etc).
I already tried various functions from the Windows API like EnumWindows but I couldn't get what I wanted.
An example of what my ultimate goal would be, is to have lists like this:
Microsoft Word,
Mozilla Firefox
What I need is just the names, I don't need handles etc (even though I'm sure I'll have to use them to get what I want)
You can get a list of running processes with their information
public static string ListAllProcesses()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// list out all processes and write them into a stringbuilder
ManagementClass MgmtClass = new ManagementClass("Win32_Process");
foreach (ManagementObject mo in MgmtClass.GetInstances())
sb.Append("Name:\t" + mo["Name"] + Environment.NewLine);
sb.Append("ID:\t" + mo["ProcessId"] + Environment.NewLine);
return sb.ToString();
The only method (That I know) to see if the process is opened by user or system is to check it's owner. If it's system, then it's not run by user:
//You will need to reference System.Management.Dll and use System.Management namespace
public string GetProcessOwner(string processName)
string query = "Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = \"" + processName + "\"";
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query);
ManagementObjectCollection processList = searcher.Get();
foreach (ManagementObject obj in processList)
string[] argList = new string[] { string.Empty, string.Empty };
int returnVal = Convert.ToInt32(obj.InvokeMethod("GetOwner", argList));
if (returnVal == 0)
// return DOMAIN\user
string owner = argList[1] + "\\" + argList[0];
return owner;
return "NO OWNER";
For the list of opened files, It is possible to do using Managed Code which is somehow hard. Here is an example on codeproject demonstrating the same matter
You can have a list of running processes with Process.GetProcesses():
But you can have the file they have open if they exposes some automation interface you know.