I have a category and a subcategory column in a Jqgrid. I have enabled inline editing, both category and subcategory are dropdownlists columns (edittype:'select'). I need to filter the subcategory list based on the selected category. I wonder how can I acheive this functionlity?
I tried the below event but its not working for me
afterEditCell: function(rowid, celname, value, iRow, iCol) {
//to do here
the above event doesn't get fired. my all column are editable
This question will be often asked. So I wrote a small code example which demonstrate how to implement such scenario with local data only (for jqGrid starting with 3.7.x). For data editing (inline editing) I use here the double-click event. The modified data will be saved after pressing of the "enter" key. For the filling of select elements I use ids. If you prefer use texts of the categories and subcategories instead you should remove formatter:'select' and make the corresponding changes in building of <option>
elements (see code of dataEvents
event handler).
var categories = ["sport", "science"];
var subcategories = ["football", "formel 1", "physics", "mathematics"];
var mydata = [
{Name:"Lukas Podolski", Category:0, Subcategory:0},
{Name:"Michael Schumacher", Category:0, Subcategory:1},
{Name:"Albert Einstein", Category:1, Subcategory:2},
{Name:"Blaise Pascal", Category:1, Subcategory:3}
var subcategoriesOfCategory = [
["football", "formel 1"],
["physics", "mathematics"]
var grid = jQuery("#list").jqGrid({
data: mydata,
datatype: 'local',
colModel: [
{ name: 'Name', width: 200 },
{ name: 'Category', width: 200, editable:true, formatter:'select',
edittype:'select', editoptions: {
value: categories,
dataInit : function (elem) {
var v = $(elem).val();
grid.setColProp('Subcategory', {
dataEvents: [
{ type: 'change',
data: { id: 7 },
fn: function(e) {
var v=$(e.target).val();
var sel = grid.getGridParam('selrow');
grid.setColProp('Subcategory', { editoptions:
var res = '';
var sc = subcategoriesOfCategory[v];
for (var i=0; i<sc.length; i++) {
res += '<option role="option" value="' + i + '">' +
sc[i] + '</option>';
{ name: 'Subcategory', width: 200, editable:true, formatter:'select',
edittype:'select', editoptions: {value: subcategories} }
onSelectRow: function(id) {
if (id && id !== lastSel) {
lastSel = id;
ondblClickRow: function(id, ri, ci) {
if (id && id !== lastSel) {
lastSel = id;
grid.editRow(id, true);
editurl: 'clientArray',
sortname: 'Name',
viewrecords: true,
rownumbers: true,
sortorder: "desc",
pager: '#pager',
caption: "Inline Editing example"
}).navGrid('#pager', { edit: false, add: false, del: false,
search: false, view: false });
This example can be of cause modified for the case of building of select option from the server.