I want to pass this variable to the context and render it, it includes html tags.
notificacion_string = "<a href = \"{% url \'perfiles:perfil\' actor.usuario.username \'recientes\' %}\" > %s </a> voted on your post" % (notificacion.actor.usuario.username)
As you can see, I have tried escaping the quotes inside the href=" ". But I get this error:
%u format: a number is required, not unicode
So, I guess the error happens when "% url .." %() is evaluated. I have tried many things without success.
Extra information:
The url "pefiles:perfil" recieves two arguments:
url(r'^(?P<username>\w+)/(?P<queryset>\w+)/$',views.perfil, name='perfil'),
the arguments are a username and a queryset, the first one comes from notificacion.actor.usuario.username and the second one is a string, 'recientes'.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Generate URL in view
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
# Generate the URL using the Django urlresolver reverse
url = reverse('perfiles:perfil', kwargs={'username': actor.usuario.username, 'queryset': 'recientes' })
# Then concatenate the URL as other string argument
notificacion_string = "<a href ='%s'> %s </a> voted on your post" % (url, notificacion.actor.usuario.username)
Check Django URLresolvers
Generate URL in template (HTML)
<a href = "{% url 'perfiles:perfil' actor.usuario.username 'recientes' %}" >{{notificacion.actor.usuario.username}}</a> voted on your post"
Generate URL in jQuery
// Generate an URL with a fake username
var url = "{% url 'perfiles:perfil' 'FakeUsername' 'recientes' %}"
// Let's supose we received an AJAX response with a variable username
username = response['username']
// Replace the string 'FakeUsername' for the real one
url = url.replace('FakeUsername', username)
The official Django documentation is quite well-explained so I recommend you to check Django URLresolvers
There's no need to escape any of those quotes. The context for evaluating the code inside the template tag is completely separate from the surrounding HTML, so they do not interfere.