I don't want to publish my app on Android Market, but i would create a license key from my website based on the MAC address of the user device. It should include also expiration date. Once the user enters the code in the android device it should be recognised. I've read that it can be done by using custom public encryption. In this scenario i should implement:
- A function in my application that takes the MAC address of the device and shows a string to the user.
- A function on my website that owns the private key and cipher the string at point 1. and adds expiration date
- A function in my application that decipher the string at point 2. using the puplic key and validates the license key.
I've read many discussions on stackoverflow and other sites but nothing applicable... or it is not clear how to apply in my scenario :(
Can you provide me e way to solve this problem? is there something that is android native that i'm missing (i hope) ?
Many thanks! Marco