How can I get angular material theme included in my app.
I tried @import '~@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/indigo-pink.css' in variable.scss and tried using the path in styleUrls of my app module as well. Tried using '../../node_modules/@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/indigo-pink.css' as well.
In all the cases browser is giving 404
This error is due to the configuration present in ionic app-scripts which doesn't include other node_modules paths. To fix this create a file
sass.config.json in config folder
with the below contents
// cross verify with node_modules/@ionic/app-scripts/config/sass.config.js
module.exports = {
* includePaths: Used by node-sass for additional
* paths to search for sass imports by just name.
includePaths: [
Update the file
and add the below
"config": {
"ionic_sass": "./config/sass.config.js"
This would override the default app-script config for what is provided.
To include the material css the following worked for me:
First create file config/sass.config.json
Second Enter the following:
// cross verify with node_modules/@ionic/app-scripts/config/sass.config.js
module.exports = {
* includePaths: Used by node-sass for additional
* paths to search for sass imports by just name.
includePaths: [
includeFiles: [
excludeFiles: [
// /\.(wp|ios|md).(scss)$/i
Third in packages.json at the bottom (still inside the last curly bracket) add
"config": {
"ionic_sass": "./config/sass.config.js"
Fourth run
ionic serve
The inlcudeFiles part is to be able to also include css (as the prebuild angular-material indigo-pink is an css and not an scss file.
The exclude files excludes a lot of ionic-css. I had the feeling some of the default ionic theme interferes with angular-material css, so I put this. BUT: Only put these lines if you are not planning to use the default components.
You can get rid of more default css such as ionicons as explained here
Notice that for this case once that you want to import a CSS file (not a SCSS) you need to provide just the file name on @import
without the extension. If you provide the .css extension the @import
will be compiled to CSS @import
rule as stated on SASS documentation.
So if you include node_modules/@angular/material/prebuilt-themes
in your includePaths
your app.scss
will be something like this:
// App Global Sass
// --------------------------------------------------
// Put style rules here that you want to apply globally. These
// styles are for the entire app and not just one component.
// Additionally, this file can be also used as an entry point
// to import other Sass files to be included in the output CSS.
// Shared Sass variables, which can be used to adjust Ionic's
// default Sass variables, belong in "theme/variables.scss".
// To declare rules for a specific mode, create a child rule
// for the .md, .ios, or .wp mode classes. The mode class is
// automatically applied to the <body> element in the app.
@import "indigo-pink"