I'm experimenting with Firefox's WebDriver and I'd like to ask if it is possible to handle "Download" window (to accept or decline incoming download request)?
For example, simple piece of code:
import selenium.firefox.webdriver
dr = selenium.firefox.webdriver.WebDriver()
# Firefox is showed up.
# Let's say I'd want to download python.
# Download window is showed up.
# How could I accept the download request?
# As I understand, the method below should return
# two handles but I get only main window's handle.
handles = dr.get_window_handles()
# Seems like WebDriver cannot "see" this popup.
I've experimented with this a little bit but haven't found the solution yet. I'd really appreciate any hint.
Many thanks,
- V
One solution to this is changing WebDriver's Firefox profile to automatically download some MIME types to a given directory.
I'm not sure how (or if) this is exposed in Python, but it's mentioned on the Ruby bindings page on the Selenium wiki (under "Tweaking Firefox preferences").
I don't think that this is the sort of thing that WebDriver was built for, but I'll take a crack at it. There is nothing built into the Firefox WebDriver to handle this specific case, but there are a few approaches you may take.
You can open FF with the profile that your WebDriver script uses and edit the preferences to always save the file instead of asking (Options > Applications > Windows Installer Package - set to "Save File"). Now, however, there's no way to tell that the file is downloading from the browser unless you get redirected to a 404 page. If not, you can check if the file exists in the Downloads directory for the same profile (Options > Main > Donwloads). If it's still in the process of downloading, the filename will be WhateverFileName.ext.part
Your other option is to use the non-visual HTMLUnit driver, navigate to the download link, click it, and the get the page source (will be the contents of the file). This works with textual files, I can't guarantee that it will work similarly for binaries, nor do I know how it will be encoded in such a case.
Best of luck
i came across this when i was trying to download a file using capybara
and got halted by the download prompt
SeleniumHQ : Selenium WebDriver
profile = Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Profile.new
profile['browser.download.dir'] = "/Downloads"
profile['browser.download.folderList'] = 2
profile['browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk'] = "audio/wav"
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox, :profile => profile
this just downloads the file into the directory specified, no prompt :)
the other option that i came across was
Determining file MIME types to autosave using Firefox & Watir-WebDriver
i have tried watir before and it proved very useful