In Vc++ 6.0 Dialog Based MFC application: I do not want my user close the window by pressing the button [X] in the top-right side of the window itself and also (Alt+F4). I want to display a messageBox ("Do you really want to close the application"); if the user clicks the OK button then the application has to close, else if user clicks the CANCEL button then the application must not be closed.
You need to implement OnClose()
and only call the base class's OnClose()
if you want to quit.
message and do something like this in it.
void CMyApp::OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam)
if(nID == SC_CLOSE)
if(MessageBox(_T("Really"), _T("What"), MB_YESNO) == IDYES);
//Do What you want here.
//Do something else
CDialog::OnSysCommand(nID, lParam);
Here is how to add WM_SYSCOMMAND Handler to your Code:
Go to ClassView. Right click your dialog class if it is a dialog based application OR your mainframe class if it is a SDI/MDI Application. Click Properties.
In Properties Window, click on the Messages button. Scroll down to WM_SYSCOMMAND and on drop-down combo double-click to add the handler.
You can do it manually as well by adding an entry in the message map. And adding declaration/definition in .h/.cpp respectively.