I got a single-page application running on Rails and Backbone.js. I'm using Node.js through Redis to push and synchronize data to clients. I am trying to understand, secure and optimize sockets communications.
When writing with console.log I see some log lines (console.log('Redis connection on ..')
) are getting duplicate (see bellow).
Does anyone can explain me why ? Is there some specific Node.js behaviours I'm not understanding, through my code implementation ?
Here's my Node.js code:
var io = require('socket.io').listen(3003);
var redis = require('redis');
var cookie = require("cookie");
var redis_subs = redis.createClient(6379, "localhost");
var redis_auth = redis.createClient(6379, "localhost");
var authenticated = false;
var authentication_status = function (status) {
if (status === true) {
console.log('Authentication status is true.');
else {
console.log('Authentication status is false.');
authenticated = status;
io.configure(function () {
io.set('authorization', function (data, callback) {
console.log('Cross authentication...');
if (data.headers.cookie) {
data.cookie = cookie.parse(data.headers.cookie);
data.sessionID = data.cookie['_validation_token_key'];
redis_auth.hget(["sessionStore", data.sessionID], function (err, session) {
if (err || !session) {
console.log('Socket.io authorization say false');
return callback(authentication_status(false), false);
else {
data.session = JSON.parse(session);
console.log('Socket.io authorization say true');
return callback(authentication_status(true), true);
else {
console.log('Socket.io authorization say false');
return callback(authentication_status(false), false);
io.on('connection', function(socket){
if (socket.handshake.session) {
var user_socket_channel = socket.handshake.session['user_socket_channel']
redis_subs.on('message', function(redis_channel, rawdata) {
console.log('Redis connection on '+redis_channel);
console.log('Handshaked Session, authenticated user. All channels allowed.');
var data = JSON.parse(rawdata);
if (data.channel) { var socket_channel = data.channel; }
else { var socket_channel = user_socket_channel; }
var rails_data = data.data;
console.log('Socket.io emiting on ['+socket_channel+']')
socket.emit(socket_channel, rails_data);
else {
redis_subs.on('message', function(redis_channel, rawdata) {
console.log('Redis connection on '+redis_channel);
console.log('No handshaked Session, unauthenticated user. Public channels allowed.');
var data = JSON.parse(rawdata);
var rails_data = data.data;
console.log('Socket.io emiting on [public]')
socket.emit('public', rails_data);
Here is the way I am testing it, and the specific use case where log is getting duplicate :
Loading the page while being logged-in, with web browser1 (e.g: Firefox); output:
info - socket.io started
Cross authentication...
Socket.io authorization say true
Authentication status is true.
debug - authorized
info - handshake authorized bJxm_IcWl2mKZT4Ed-kV
debug - setting request GET /socket.io/1/websocket/bJxm_IcWl2mKZT4Ed-kV
debug - set heartbeat interval for client bJxm_IcWl2mKZT4Ed-kV
debug - client authorized for
debug - websocket writing 1::
Loading the same page being logged-out with browser2 (e.g: Chrome)
Cross authentication...
Socket.io authorization say false
Authentication status is false.
debug - authorized
info - handshake unauthorized
Sending some data through page/browser1 (Firefox) -> Rails -> Redis, output:
Redis connection on application_channel
Handshaked Session, authenticated user. All channels allowed.
Socket.io emiting on [hLTYXuvP+13aQlIT9CZiYc1i9eg=]
debug - websocket writing 5:::{"name":"hLTYXuvP+13aQlIT9CZiYc1i9eg=","args":[null]}
Reloading the page on browser2(Chrome, logged-out), still output
Cross authentication...
Socket.io authorization say false
Authentication status is false.
debug - authorized
info - handshake unauthorized
Reloading the page on browser1/Firefox and pushing some more data to Redis through the page and Rails, output:
Redis connection on application_channel
Handshaked Session, authenticated user. All channels allowed.
Socket.io emiting on [hLTYXuvP+13aQlIT9CZiYc1i9eg=]
Redis connection on application_channel
Handshaked Session, authenticated user. All channels allowed.
Socket.io emiting on [hLTYXuvP+13aQlIT9CZiYc1i9eg=]
debug - websocket writing 5:::{"name":"hLTYXuvP+13aQlIT9CZiYc1i9eg=","args":[null]}
As you can see, the event got duplicated, and the Redis listener now catch two connections; Every time I'll reload page1/Firefox, it will duplicate it one more time (3,4,5...).
I don't understand this behaviours. What am I missing?
By the way, as you can see, I don't really understand either the goal of Socket.io configure
, set authorization
and callback
, returning true or false, as Node is reaching to io.on('connection')
and Redis listeners anyway.