I have a permachine MSI installer that I'm converting to a per user installer that is installing files to the LocalAppDataFolder.
To get rid of ICE38 warnings I added a registry as the keypath. The problem is in one of my components I have a advertised shortcut and ProgId.
I'm now getting:
- ICE19 - 'settings' advertises component: 'CMP_Rapid'. This component cannot be advertised because the KeyPath type disallows it
- ICE19 - Shortcut: 'SHC_RunConfigExe' advertises component: 'CMP_Rapid'. This component cannot be advertised because the KeyPath type disallows it.
- ICE50 - Component 'CMP_Rapid' has an advertised shortcut, but the KeyPath cannot be found.
Is there anyway to advertise in per user installs when installing to the LocalAppDataFolder? I'm not that familiar with advertising. On the shortcut I use it because I like the repair functionality it offers. On the progId I use it because it automatically updates the appropriate icons after an install.
I need to install this on XP and Vista so I can use the Windows 7 solution: ProgramFilesFolder redirection.
Below is the component that generates the errors:
<DirectoryRef Id="INSTALL_FOLDER">
<Component Id="CMP_Rapid"
<File Id="FILE_Rapid"
Source="$(var.FilePath)\Dynagen Configurator.exe">
<Shortcut Id="SHC_RunConfigExe"
Name="DYNAGEN Configurator"
Description="Opens DYNAGEN Configurator application."
<ProgId Id="Rapid.drcS" Icon="ICO_drcS.ico" Advertise="yes">
<Extension Id="settings">
<Verb Id="Open" Command="Open" Argument="/so "%1"" />
<Verb Id="Edit" Command="Edit" Argument="/edit "%1""/>
<Verb Id="Program" Command="Program" Argument="/program "%1""/>
<RegistryValue Root="HKCU"