I am now currently changed to use the Gem Devise for user authentication. But I don't know how to match the encryption!
I knew that we could write a new encryptor and assign it in initializers, but the point is the encryptor accepts 4 arguments only (password, stretches, salt, pepper). But in my case, I do included the user's email and a customized salt in the encryption.
Is it possible to pass the user's email and customized salt into the encryptor?
ps. I am using database_authenticatable
It's sad that no one answered my question......
However, I think I've found the answer, although it's not as pretty as I imagined.
First, create the encryption class in the initializers:
module Devise
module Encryptors
class MySha1 < Base
def self.digest(password, salt)
def self.salt(email)
Secondly, overwrite some methods in the User model:
# overwrite this method so that we call the encryptor class properly
def encrypt_password
unless @password.blank?
self.password_salt = self.class.encryptor_class.salt(email)
self.encrypted_password = self.class.encryptor_class.digest(@password, self.password_salt)
# Because when the database_authenticatable wrote the following method to regenerate the password, which in turn passed incorrect params to the encrypt_password, these overwrite is needed!
def password=(password)
@password = password
def password_digest(pwd)
self.class.encryptor_class.digest(pwd, self.password_salt)
And finally, we have to teach when to encrypt the password:
before_save :encrypt_password
I'm not sure how old this is, but this seems like a better supported way of doing it: http://presentations.royvandewater.com/authentication-with-devise.html#9