I'm using the excellent flow.js library to handle file uploads. It's a resumable HTML5 upload that produces a bunch of chunks on the server that must be reassembled. For example, foo.mov might become
Uploads are working but I'm having trouble recombining the parts into a single binary. I have the following code from the Node.js server example the library authors provided on Github (https://github.com/flowjs/flow.js/tree/master/samples/Node.js).
$.write = function(identifier, writableStream, options) {
options = options || {};
options.end = (typeof options['end'] == 'undefined' ? true : options['end']);
// Iterate over each chunk
var pipeChunk = function(number) {
var chunkFilename = getChunkFilename(number, identifier);
fs.exists(chunkFilename, function(exists) {
if (exists) {
// If the chunk with the current number exists,
// then create a ReadStream from the file
// and pipe it to the specified writableStream.
var sourceStream = fs.createReadStream(chunkFilename);
sourceStream.pipe(writableStream, {
end: false
sourceStream.on('end', function() {
// When the chunk is fully streamed,
// jump to the next one
pipeChunk(number + 1);
} else {
// When all the chunks have been piped, end the stream
if (options.end) writableStream.end();
if (options.onDone) options.onDone();
I'm invoking this code with the following route and am expecting it to produce a reassembled binary in the tmp directory (that's where I'm saving my chunks). However nothing is happening. What am I missing?
exports.download = function(req, res, next) {
switch(req.method) {
case 'GET':
var stream = fs.createWriteStream('foobar');
flow.write(req.params.identifier, res);