The XML I'm trying to validate is as follows:
<element attribute="foo">
<element attribute="hello">
How can this be validated using a Schema?
element can only contain bar when attribute="foo".
element can only contain world when attribute="hello"
You can't do this in XML Schema 1.0. In XML Schema 1.1 you will be able to use the <xs:assert>
element to do it, but I'm guessing you want something that you can use now.
You can use Schematron as a second layer of validation that will allow you to test arbitrary XPath assertions about your XML document. There's a fairly old article about embedding Schematron in XSD that you might find helpful.
You'd do something like:
<rule context="element">
<report test="@attribute = 'foo' and *[not(self::bar)]">
This element's attribute is 'foo' but it holds an element that isn't a bar.
<report test="@attribute = 'hello' and *[not(self::world)]">
This element's attribute is 'hello' but it holds an element that isn't a world.
Or of course you can switch to RELAX NG, which does this in its sleep:
<element name="element">
<attribute name="attribute"><value>foo</value></attribute>
<element name="bar"><empty /></element>
<attribute name="attribute"><value>hello</value></attribute>
<element name="world"><empty /></element>