I'm a Java user, when submitting a job to Hadoop mapReduce, it uses Kerberos to authenticate for Hadoop, and upon success there's the delegation token created and passed with the job submission to Hadoop instead of the kerberos ticket (for security reason as stated by Hadoop). Now the job is running as me, but the job itself needs to use Kerberos to send request to other services outside Hadoop. Now I don't have kerberos TGT on Hadoop and I can't get the service ticket.
Is there anyway I can pass the Kerberos ticket with the job? (I know it might be dangerous since we don't want to pass the secret around), JobConf could pass the string to string pairs to Hadoop, but I have to convert the TGT to a json string and revert it during job running?
Or is it possible to use the delegation token reform TGT?
I tried to google it but not much information, anyone could help? Thank you.
Looks like there's no easy way of doing this without passing the TGT to Hadoop, so I am going to try the following method by passing the TGT as string via job config map to Hadoop (String only), and convert the string back to TGT object when the job runs in Hadoop. The concern is I am going to pass the credentials over the network, which is not a best practice and one of the very reasons Hadoop didn't pass Kerberos around for security. If I could re-use the reformed TGT passed to Hadoop to get the service tickets, I will try to encrypt the TGT string as much as possible to avoid security issues.
So before starting a job in the local machine, the code would be like:
import sun.security.krb5.Credentials;
Credentials tgt = Credentials.acquireTGTFromCache(null, null); // Make sure kinit is done before this
String tgtStr = tgt.convertToJsonString(); //Need to implement this
Job job = new Job("Test");
JobConf jobConf = job.getJobConf();
jobConf.set("tgtStr", tgtStr);
job.addTask(Test.class, "run", null);
Then the function in the job for Hadoop to run would be like:
Configuration conf = TaskContext.get().getConfiguration();
String tgtStr = conf.get("tgtStr");
Credentials tgt = reformTGTFromString(tgtStr);//Need to implement this
Credentials serviceTicket = Credentials.acquireServiceCreds(servicePrincipal, tgt); //This is to get any service ticket
So I need to implement two function to stream TGT object (Credentials.class) to string and then reform it back to object.
Anyone knows a better solution for this? Thanks.