I am using OpenCV,Vuforia and Tesseract(tess-two) for my app. My system works like this:
- Vuforia detects the target and sends the full frame to OpenCV (JNI)
- OpenCV gets the frame and does some image processing to make it readable for Tesseract (JNI)
- Tesseract(tess-two) takes the byte arrays from opencv and does the OCR processings on the image(byte-array)
My problem starts with the 3rd part. Since my aim is to do the ocr on real time camera frames, i am trying to use multi-threading to make UI smooth and not to cause live camera visual to go slow.
I decided to use AsyncTask for that like this :
public void getFromNative(final byte[] imagedata, final int width,final int height,final byte [] typeData, final int typeWidth,final int typeHeight) {
new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>() {
protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
ocr(imagedata, width, height,typeData,typeWidth,typeHeight);
return null;
It makes the live camera stream smoother than normal, single thread way. But the problem is since its starting so many AsyncTask because of the live camera frames, even when i turn the camera away from the target, it keeps on doing OCR on the previously created AsycnTask and returns results for them one after another. In addition to AsyncTask, i tried IntenService, but the result was the same.
I want to ask if there is a way to solve this issue and make the process more efficient.