I'm trying to find a constant (something like a secret token) from inside of an iOS app in order to build an app using an undocumented web API (by the way, I'm not into something illegal). So far, I have the decrypted app executable on my Mac (jailbreak + SSH + dumping decrypted executable as file). I can use the strings command to get a readable list of strings, and I can use the class-dump tool (http://stevenygard.com/projects/class-dump/) to get a list of interface definitions (headers) of the classes. Although this gives me an idea of the app's inner workings, I still can't find what I'm searching for: the constants I'm looking for. There are literally thousands of string definitions in the strings command dump. Is there any way to dump the strings in a way that I can have the names of the NSString constants with their values. I don't need the implementation details of the methods, I know that it's compiled and all I can get is assembly code. But if I can get the names of the string constants (both in strings dump and class dump) and also the string values (in strings dump), I think there may be a way to associate them together.