Using Backbone.js & Underscore, how to get a count

2019-04-01 06:06发布


I have a notifications model for notifications

NotificationModel = App.BB.Model.extend({
    defaults : {}

NotificationCollection = App.BB.Collection.extend({
    model: NotificationModel,
    url: '/notifications',

    initialize : function() {
        var me = this;


The collection is fetching from the server correctly and has the following fields (id, read) where read is true or false.

How can I get the total number count of items that are read == false? ... Unread item count?



A structured solution would be to create these methods in your collection:

read: function() {
    return this.filter(function(n) { return n.get('read'); });

unread: function() {
    return this.filter(function(n) { return !(n.get('read')); });

If you need the count, you can just add .length to the end of the method.


Using the underscore's filter method and general JavaScript .length schould do it.

Backbone's documentation has an example of filter, you just need to return read equals false.

var unread = Notes.filter(function(note) {
    return note.get("read") === false; 

submitting from my mobile phone, sorry for the brief answer


Backbone Collection's where method might be of use.

var read = this.where({ read: true });
var unread = this.where({ read: false });

This doesn't work if read isn't true or false -- in that case, you should use filter as the other answers suggest.