While trying to solve some programming quiz: , I came across with space leak.
Main function is difference
, which implements multi-set difference.
I've found out that List ':' and Triples (,,) kept on heaps
with -hT option profiling. However, only big lists are difference
two arguments, and it shrinks as difference
keeps on tail recursion.
But the memory consumed by lists keeps increasing as program runs.
Triples is ephemeral array structure, used for bookkeeping the count of multiset's each element. But the memory consumed by triples also keeps increasing, and I cannot find out why.
Though I've browsed similar 'space leak' questions in stackoverflow, I couldn't grasp the idea. Surely I have much to study.
I appreciate any comments. Thank you.
p.s) executable is compiled with -O2 switch.
$ ./difference -hT < input04.txt
Stack space overflow: current size 8388608 bytes.
$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.6.3
import Data.List
import Data.Array
-- array (non-zero-count, start-offset, array_data)
myindex :: Int -> Int -> Int
myindex key offset
| key >= offset = key - offset
| otherwise = key - offset + array_size
mylookup x (_,offset,arr) = arr ! idx
where idx = myindex x offset
addOrReplace :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int, Array Int (Int,Int)) -> (Int, Int, Array Int (Int,Int))
addOrReplace key value (count,offset,arr) = (count', offset, arr // [(idx,(key,value))])
where idx = myindex key offset
(_,prev_value) = arr ! idx
count' = case (prev_value, value) of
(0,0) -> count
(0,_) -> count + 1
(_,0) -> count - 1
otherwise -> count
difference :: (Int,Int,Array Int (Int,Int)) -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
difference (count,offset,arr) [] []
| count == 0 = []
| otherwise = [ k | x <- [0..array_size-1], let (k,v) = (arr ! x), v /= 0]
difference m (x:xs) y = difference new_m xs y
where (_,v) = mylookup x m
new_m = addOrReplace x (v + 1) m
difference m [] (y:ys) = difference new_m [] ys
where (_,v) = mylookup y m
new_m = if v == 0
then m
else addOrReplace y (v - 1) m
main = do
n <- readLn :: IO Int
pp <- getLine
m <- readLn :: IO Int
qq <- getLine
let p = map (read :: String->Int) . words $ pp
q = map (read :: String->Int) . words $ qq
startArray = (0,head q, array (0,100) [(i,(0,0)) | i <- [0..100]] )
putStrLn . unwords . map show . sort $ difference startArray q p
[EDIT] I seq'ed value and Array thanks to Carl's advice. I attach heap diagram.
[original heap profiling] []1
[after seq'ing value v
difference m (x:xs) y = difference new_m xs y
where (_,v) = mylookup x m
new_m = v `seq` addOrReplace x (v + 1) m
[after seq'ing value v
and Array
difference m (x:xs) y = new_m `seq` difference new_m xs y
where (_,v) = mylookup x m
new_m = v `seq` addOrReplace x (v + 1) m