I'm using VB.NET with Visual Studio 2010. Is there any function or tool to auto complete any .Net type name to fully qualified one?
I mean a tool/function that actually changing the source code from short hand to fully qualified name like following:
From String
to System.String
From Process.Start
to this System.Diagnostics.Process.Start
Thanks for ReSharper suggestion. But
I'm not prepared to buy it or award
bounty for a commercial product
suggestion. Sorry about that. I should
make my question clear about that
requirement. I already tried ReSharper
before asking this question.
Here is a macro that works fine for C# code.
When I tested it on a VB .Net project it didn't work for types in assembly references. Seems like the project code model for VB.Net excludes external types.
I include the code here anyway. Maybe someone else knows how to do it for VB
First we need a function that finds the current context
Private Function FindCodeElement(ByVal caretPosition As TextPoint, ByVal elems As CodeElements) As CodeElement
If elems Is Nothing Then Return Nothing
Return elems.Cast(Of CodeElement) _
.Where(Function(x) x.StartPoint.LessThan(caretPosition) AndAlso _
x.EndPoint.GreaterThan(caretPosition)) _
.Select(Function(x) If(FindCodeElement(caretPosition, GetMembers(x)), x)) _
End Function
We also need a function that create all candidate names based on using/import statements
Private Sub FindAllCandidates(ByVal elem As Object, ByVal className As String)
If TypeOf elem Is CodeFunction Then
FindAllCandidates(CType(elem, CodeFunction).Parent, className)
ElseIf TypeOf elem Is CodeClass Then
mCandidates.Add(CType(elem, CodeClass).FullName & "." & className)
FindAllCandidates(CType(elem, CodeClass).Parent, className)
ElseIf TypeOf elem Is CodeStruct Then
mCandidates.Add(CType(elem, CodeStruct).FullName & "." & className)
FindAllCandidates(CType(elem, CodeStruct).Parent, className)
ElseIf TypeOf elem Is CodeNamespace Then
mCandidates.Add(CType(elem, CodeNamespace).FullName & "." & className)
For Each ns As String In CType(elem, CodeNamespace).Members.OfType(Of CodeImport) _
.Select(Function(x) x.Namespace)
mCandidates.Add(ns & "." & className)
FindAllCandidates(CType(elem, CodeNamespace).Parent, className)
ElseIf TypeOf elem Is FileCodeModel Then
For Each ns As String In CType(elem, FileCodeModel).CodeElements.OfType(Of CodeImport) _
.Select(Function(x) x.Namespace)
mCandidates.Add(ns & "." & className)
End If
End Sub
And then a function that loops all available items to find one of the candidates
Private Function FindClassInCodeElements(ByVal elems As CodeElements) As CodeElement
If elems Is Nothing Then Return Nothing
For Each elem As CodeElement In elems
If IsClassType(elem) Then
If mCandidates.Contains(elem.FullName) Then Return elem
ElseIf TypeOf elem Is CodeNamespace Then
For Each candidate As String In mCandidates
If candidate.StartsWith(elem.FullName) Then
Dim found As CodeElement = FindClassInCodeElements(GetMembers(elem))
If found IsNot Nothing Then Return found
Exit For
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Two small helper functions
Private Function IsClassType(ByVal elem As CodeElement) As Boolean
Return TypeOf elem Is CodeClass OrElse TypeOf elem Is CodeStruct OrElse TypeOf elem Is CodeInterface
End Function
Private Function GetMembers(ByVal elem As CodeElement) As CodeElements
If TypeOf elem Is CodeClass Then
Return CType(elem, CodeClass).Members
ElseIf TypeOf elem Is CodeNamespace Then
Return CType(elem, CodeNamespace).Members
ElseIf TypeOf elem Is CodeStruct Then
Return CType(elem, CodeStruct).Members
ElseIf TypeOf elem Is CodeInterface Then
Return CType(elem, CodeInterface).Members
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
And then we can write the main function which you can alter depending on how you want to use it.
Dim mCandidates As New HashSet(Of String)
Sub ExpandFullNameOfSelection()
Dim selection As EnvDTE.TextSelection = CType(DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection(), EnvDTE.TextSelection)
' Assume type is selected
Dim className As String = selection.Text
' Find current context
Dim currentFunction As CodeElement = FindCodeElement(selection.ActivePoint, DTE.ActiveDocument.ProjectItem.FileCodeModel.CodeElements)
FindAllCandidates(currentFunction, className)
Dim classType As CodeElement = DTE.Solution.Projects.Cast(Of Project) _
.Where(Function(x) x.CodeModel IsNot Nothing) _
.Select(Function(x) FindClassInCodeElements(x.CodeModel.CodeElements)) _
.FirstOrDefault(Function(x) x IsNot Nothing)
If classType IsNot Nothing Then
selection.Text = classType.FullName ' replace with full name
End If
End Function
Resharper is capable of doing this.
Although Resharper is not free, it is absolutely worth buying. Once started using Resharper, you will not be able to proceed without it.
Showing the step by step below, because it is not quite trivial how to do this:
- Download and install Resharper.
Open VS and go to menu Rehsarper
=> Options
=> Languages
=> C#
=> Namespace Import
. Select Use fully qualified names
. By default Insert using directives when necessary
is selected.
From now on, whenever you use Alt+Enter
to resolve namespace, Resharper will resolve fully qualified one.
Go to Rehsarper
=> Options
=> Tools
=> Code cleanup
. Hit Add
button to add new Cleanup profile. Give a name to the new profile, e.g. Namespaces Reformat
. Check Optimizing using directives
Right click on the project and select Cleanup Code...
, or use shortcut Ctrl+E, Ctrl+C
. Select previously created profile and hit Run
Original code:
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication5
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Result code:
namespace ConsoleApplication5
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
JetBrains' ReSharper can do this via the "Code Cleanup" function, along with many other code changes (such as explicit type usage instead of var
Note that I'm not affiliated, but a big fan of R#.